Top Myths: Charity and Awareness

Top Myths: Charity and Awareness

There are many positive reasons behind donating to charity and raising awareness, but there are also some common myths that may leave some people concerned about where their money goes and what difference it is making. People may question whether raising awareness makes any change and if so, what changed? Let’s separate the fact from the fiction.

coins in a glass

My Money Probably Has Little or No Effect

There are many issues around the world which are still very prominent. Events such as Children in Need and Comic Relief are worldwide, and many people may think that their donation may not make a mark on the huge amount they seem to raise. But the money raised has already helped a lot, worldwide, and locally. As a world, our contributions have already seen some huge jumps in progression.

Smallpox was eradicated in 1980 from a World Health Organisation launched in 1959, the Carter Centre raised enough money to develop the research of Guinea Worm so much that its almost been cured, and charities such as WHO and UNICEF have seen the number of cases go from 3.5 million per year to 22 countries and now just 4. Despite doubts, huge strides have been made in terms of health worldwide. Just think what they could resolve with more awareness and funds.

Group of people around the world

The Problem is so Big, My Donation Won’t Help

In fact, you can make much more difference than you may think. We have much more income at our disposal than many people, and just a small amount of that can make an enormous impact. If each citizen in a country the size of America, gave 10% of their earnings to the Against Malaria Foundation every year they could purchase 700 mosquito nets and through their working life could provide more than 28,000 which could avert the death of many children.

Obviously, you can’t end poverty and illness on your own, but every small donation from one individual is combined with others, making a much bigger difference.

Charity Starts at Home: My Own Problems Matter First

This statement is understandable; especially after a huge crunch of numbers, financial struggles in the UK, and the Brexit debate. In the developed world we live in, we have spent so much money on health, sanitation and education that we have potentially ensured our security. The UK’s biggest cost effective service is the NHS, but we are lucky to be have this service to help us on our way.

By contrast, we may have our own problems, but many undeveloped countries are plagued by disease, which compared to our £20,000 average spend to save a life; in another country, it would cost a comparatively tiny sum. Referring to The Against Malaria Foundation, the average cost is just under £7,000. The NHS would spend this amount to add 2 months of healthy life to a patient.

Fundraising for Breast Cancer Research

Raising Awareness is Not as Good as Raising Money

There are a lot of charities that are still not as well-known as the bigger ones; such as Oxfam and Red Cross. The money is not always the main concern, and while others are out raising money, you can do just as much by raising awareness and letting others know what you may know. By letting the world know about the problems, you can get others involved; which can prove to spur others on in their mission.
People may fear giving money to a charity or a cause that they don’t know much about, but if it’s close to the heart, or they know the ins-and-outs then it becomes much more of a warm-hearted and meaningful decision. By simply wearing a t-shirt or a charity wristband, you can get asked many questions from friends or family; this is your chance to raise awareness.

Various charity fundraising wristbands

There are many benefits to raising money and awareness for a charity. By simply wearing a Wristband with the charity on, you can raise plenty of awareness, and even some money. Awareness is just as important as the money aspect, and can assist a worthy cause to more positive outcomes.
If you would like to know about any of our Silicone Wristbands, don’t hesitate to get in touch on 01524 848382, or you can customise your own bands on our band builder.

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