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7 Fun & Exciting Fundraising Ideas

Thinking of a way to fundraise in a fun and original way is always a hard part of finding funds for your campaign. Raffles and sponsored runs are still good but sometimes you need an idea that’s particularly exciting to get people interested in your campaign. We’ve compiled a list of 7 fun and exciting fundraising ideas to inspire you.

Give It Up

Encouraging people to give up something, for example smoking or chocolate, and donating the money they save to your cause is a brilliant fundraising idea. It’d be best to choose something that the person spends a fair amount of money on, so encouraging people to give up something like chewing gum wouldn’t bring in very much. This idea is great because you can encourage people to give up things that are unhealthy or go against your cause.

Collections at Local Sports Matches

Local sports matches are fantastic places to fundraise as there are lots of people you have the opportunity to talk to. Talking to people while they aren’t watching the match, like at half-time or before the match starts, is the best idea as you don’t want to be annoying anybody. You should get the permission of the stadium’s managers before you start.

Gaming for Good

Using gaming as a fundraising method is a good way to target a younger audience. The gaming could take place at an event or be streamed over the internet to a large audience. Gaming marathons or tournaments would be good fundraising ideas from home, and you can charge for entrance.

“Imprison” a Celebrity

If you have a local celebrity that people care about then you could imprison him or her and ask people to “bail them out”. You’ll have to choose somebody who people are willing to bail out though; otherwise you’ll be left with not much in the way of funds, and an imprisoned celebrity at the end of the event!

Pub Crawl

Pub crawls are popular with many people and are a great opportunity for fundraising. You could create a route and plan fun events for each pub, charging people for tickets to take part.  Pub crawls are good because they’ll appeal to an audience that may not be interested in more standard fundraising events.

Crowdfunding as fundraising ideas from home

Crowdfunding is a pretty new idea for fundraising and involves having a lot of people donate over the internet. People can unlock different rewards depending on the amount they donate, for example £5 for silicone wristbands or £15 for t-shirts. This idea is great because you can fundraise from a lot of people and raise a large amount.

Local Olympics

Hosting a local Olympics is a brilliant, sporty fundraising method. You can create events around your area, for example a race around a local park. Getting people to pay for entry, or sponsor participants is a good way to fundraise and you can get a large number of donators if you have a lot of events in your olympics. This is a particularly great idea because you’re getting people active and promoting exercise.

If you’d like to use a wristband campaign for your charity event, please check out our website where you’ll find a range of personalised silicone wristbands. We’ll be more than happy to provide advice, should you need it. Contact us on 01524 848382 to speak to our team today.

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