Creating Memories With Event Souvenirs

Creating Memories With Event Souvenirs

Event souvenirs are great marketing tools. If you can instil the belief in someone that they want to keep an item, then it will remain a constant reminder of the event it came from and the message it entailed. Consider these options to create memories and build your brand with event souvenirs.

Two school children wearing yellow silicone wristbands

Silicone Wristbands

Custom silicone wristbands are an excellent option, as they are cheap and you can easily encourage people to engage with them. If you use RFID wristbands for entry to the event, then the target audience will have no choice but to wear it. Having your brand on their wrist for the duration of the event will send a clear message and they will be likely to keep the band with them until they head home, reinforcing the message.


Everyone loves a free T-shirt, and one with a good design will survive for a long time in a wardrobe. Putting your brand and a relevant message on a T-shirt can ensure that your audience keeps this souvenir for a long time.

Loving couple creating a heart shape with their hands

Bottle Openers

A branded bottle opener is another excellent souvenir item from events, particularly if it is also on a key ring. By offering a useful day to day item, you’ll often find that people will keep these for years to come and carry your brand around as they do.


Pens are both useful and cheap to produce, so they are good at events where people may need to take notes or fill out forms. If you put a pen into their hand at the point at which they need it, then they will see its use and be more likely to pocket it. If your pen can make it back to their desktop, then they will go on seeing your brand for a long time.

Make it Interesting

A common mistake that companies make it to just slap a logo on an item and expect this to work as a marketing tool, but the item also needs to be attractive and interesting if they are going to keep it. Adding a witty comment or pun to a pen will make it immediately more attractive, and going one step further by making personalised wristbands will make the audience much more likely to keep it, too.

To find out more about the event souvenirs you can order today to get bespoke silicone wristbands for your company, contact us at Silicone Wristbands Direct.

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