
Creative Ticketing Options with Silicone Wristbands

Initiated in 2004 by Lance Armstrong and his Live Strong campaign, there is no doubt that wristbands have become an increasingly popular way to get a brand name out into the world. It is one of the best ways to convey a message to the masses as it is an exceptionally fashionable item, which is also socially accepted.

More and more organisations are adopting this technique, and even event organisers are jumping on the silicone wristband bandwagon. If you are looking to create an event and are looking to find a creative ticketing system, look no further than custom silicone wristbands.

We’re going to take a deeper look into why silicone wristbands are the perfect ticketing option, rather than the traditional paper ticket method.

They Are Visually Appealing

As we mentioned above, silicone wristbands are a fashion statement which is socially acceptable to wear. Usually colourful and vibrant, it’s easy to spot, which is an excellent for a larger event. You will be able to spot the wristbands in a crowd to ensure that everyone who has a ticket is in the room.


There are various different customisation options available, so you can create the perfect silicone wristband ticket solution to suit your event. From the colour and design to printed and debossed customisable text, there are endless options for you to choose from to create the perfect band for your event.


Custom silicone wrist bands are hard to replicate, which makes then a perfect replacement for the easily copied paper ticket that some events still use. You will easily be able to identify who is at a venue to attend your event and who isn’t by simply looking at their wristband.

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Provides a Physical Memento of Your Event

If you are looking to maximise your exposure, wristbands are the way to go. More than likely your guests will keep the wristband on which will in turn increase your brand awareness when other people notice your guests wearing them.


They also provide the perfect memory of an event; reminding them of it every time they see it, and it is something that is easily stored so that they can keep it for years to come.

Will Reduce Queue Times

Wristbands are ultra convenient. As they are worn, it’s easier for admission staff to check a wristband than wait for your attendees to locate their paper tickets in their bags.


It’s also the perfect solution for any bars that you may have at your event. Simply I.D-ing your attendees on their way in and providing the guests who are over 18 with a special wristband that shows they are allowed to purchase alcohol saves queue times. Of course, the bar will have the discretion to I.D anyone they suspect to be under 18 to avoid band-swapping.

Easy to Find and Keep

We have all done it; losing our tickets before an event and then found ourselves frantically trashing the house to find it in time. With a silicone wristband, this panic and stress as they don’t blend in with paper like standard tickets do. They are easy to spot, which is great for people who have a habit of misplacing tickets!

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We hope that we’ve given you enough reasons to realise the potential for silicone wrist bands to be used as creative ticketing options. With summer heating up, we can’t wait to see what event our customers have planned!

If you are looking for a high quality, custom, silicone wristband for your cause or event, don’t hesitate to contact our team of creative designers here at Silicone Wristbands Direct. Call us today on 01524 848382 and one of our fantastic team members will be more than happy to help you.

Try Our Silicone Wristbands Designer Tool

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