Getting the best value for your Silicone Wristbands

Getting the best value for your Silicone Wristbands

In this blog we talk about how to get the best value when ordering your Silicone Wristbands from Silicone Wristbands Direct.

We are totally committed to offering our customers the best possible service and this includes making sure they achieve the best possible price.  Let us explain!

saving money with silicone wristbands

How is the price arrived at for my Silicone Wristbands?

As with the majority of printed goods, the unit price falls as the size of the order, in quantity terms, increases.

Why is this you may ask? Because a significant proportion of the order price is made up of the pre-production costs in our factory.  For example, the mould or print costs. These pre-production costs are the same whether you want 1 unit, 100 units or 10,000 units! With the customised Silicone Wristbands we specialise in, they are a bespoke product that is manufactured and printed to the specifications of our customer and are therefore not a stock item.

Be careful when ordering your Wristbands based only on the cheapest price!

At Silicone Wristbands Direct, we say we offer great value rather than cheap prices.  The reason for this is that all our Wristbands are made from high-quality 100% food grade pure silicone.  This means they are safe for people with allergies but also your design will be far more durable.

There are cheap alternatives out there which are not made of 100% high-quality silicone.  From experience, we know that these are far less durable, the text design and wristband fade and lose their colour and the wristbands can snap easily. Also, with the cheap alternatives you often have no confidence in the product quality and what grade silicone has been used in production, which can risk causing an allergic reaction.

So overall, when buying wristbands, don’t make the decision just on price.  Instead look for value which you can be certain of getting at Silicone Wristbands Direct!

So how do you offer great value Silicone Wristbands?

There are a number of ways that we do this.  However, there are no catches or fancy gimmicks.  Just great prices with no hidden costs and total transparency.  We want to develop long term relationships with our customers, so they come back to us time and again. We know this is only achieved through trust, honesty and working together.

So, we offer value as follows:

  • FREE UK delivery
  • No-set up, administration costs.
  • FREE design service from our expert design team that have years of experience crafting unique and engaging designs for our customers.
  • We regularly run an offer of 100 free Wristbands on all orders above 100 units.
  • We provide a dedicated account manager that understands your business or organisation, what you want to achieve (e.g. brand awareness, promotion or fundraising) and any special requirements.

The benefits of Bulk orders and forward ordering

As we have explained above, everything we do and how we do it is aimed at offering our customers value and first class service.  However, what can really make all the difference in terms of value for money is the quantity you order and the timescales for delivery.

  • Bulk Orders

As we explain above, price falls significantly as the quantity ordered increases.  So by way of example, let us look at one of our best sellers:

Standard Adult Filled Silicone Wristband

Unit Quantity 100 500 1,000 10,000
Unit Price £1.08 £0.464 £0.307 £0.1229

* based upon our popular standard Filled Wristband, Adult size with one colour.

We appreciate that for some customers they only need a certain number of Wristbands a year and find it hard to make large orders for delivery all at the same time.  However, we are very creative at Silicone Wristbands Direct! We are happy to discuss arrangements to bulk order and spread delivery over longer periods.

As we know that a larger amount will be needed over a certain timescale (say 12 months) we are able to create a bulk order at a much reduced unit price even though our customers will not receive all the Wristbands at the same time. This is what we mean by working together!

bulk orders of silicone wristbands

  • Future Ordering

The longer the lead time we have from order to delivery the greater the value we can offer.  We have many customers who order many many months in advance which allows us to optimise the production cycle in our factories. The benefit for the customer is that they get better prices.

Don’t get me wrong, we can supply on short delivery times but this makes the production process much more costly which then has to be reflected in the unit price offered. So, planning ahead can really make a difference to the bottom line.

  • Ordering complimentary products at the same time

As Silicone Wristbands Direct is part of the Web Products Direct group of brands, we supply a whole range of printed promotional products that are complementary to Wristbands.  So for example, we can also supply Lanyard, Fabric Wristbands, USB Sticks, pencils, pens and other stationery etc.

Many of our customers will therefore order multiple product types at the same time as their Silicone Wristbands and we are happy to look at the combined order when providing a quotation. There are still economies of scale and savings at our end by batching these products together which we are happy to pass on to our customers.

  • Building Value by partnering with other organisations or departments

We regularly supply Schools, Colleges and University and not-for-profit organisations and charities that operate at multiple locations.  However, many of the individual Schools and Universities procure their products or services centrally with other partner organisations (e.g. schools at part of the same Academy).

By combining orders with other partner organisations we are happy to treat it as one order and offer great volume discounts.

So, great value Silicone Wristbands

We hope that you have enjoyed our blog and that it has helped you plan and budget for your next Silicone Wristbands order.  If you would like to discuss any of the points we have raised in our blog, please give us a call on 01524 848382 or contact us.

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