
How Creative Artists Can Make Use of Silicone Wristbands

Whether you’re a musician, a painter or any other kind of artist you probably have certain items of merchandise that you offer to your loyal fans: t-shirts, mugs and posters are all really common choices and are used a lot by artists both big and small. One option that is often overlooked, however, is the silicone wristband! We think that this is a real shame, since there are some surprising ways in which a rubber wristband can actually be the best option, allowing your armies of fans to share their love with your work and to connect with one and other.

Get Round Dress Codes

Lot of work

Not a lot of people are lucky enough to get away with wearing shirts of their favourite heavy metal bands to work, but when you have to keep adhering to a dress code which doesn’t let you express yourself it can become quite demoralising. A fun wristband with a lyric, a line from one of your books, or even just your name if you’re a visual artist, can get around this product – and you might be surprised by how grateful your fans are for the opportunity to add some personality to their work wear.

Give People a Sense of Community

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If you hand out wristbands which relate to a particular event, such as a gig or a book signing, people can wear them with pride, feeling part of the community of people who were also there. You can use them in the place of tickets, as we talked about in this blog post, you can offer them as promotional merchandise, or –if you’re feeling generous – you can simply give them out free. Regardless of which option you choose, though, the shared accessory will help your fans to bond with each other.

Offer them as a Perk During Crowd Sourcing

Virtual gift

Increasingly, artists are turning to crowd sourcing in order to fund future works, appreciating both the freedom that it offers and the opportunity to allow fans some input into the creative process. Although funders don’t typically expect to receive anything until the product is finished, sending a wristband is a goodwill gesture which shows you won’t simply take the money and run.

This is just one of the many different ways in which you can benefit from high quality wristbands; wristbands for charity, branding, promotional marketing or even just fashion are also all very viable options, and our products can be customised to suit your specific needs. For more details please don’t hesitate to get in touch online or at 01524 848382; you can also connect with us on Facebook or Twitter.

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Try Our Silicone Wristbands Designer Tool

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