Hydrate Me Wristbands – How a Simple Band Aims to Combat Dehydration in Hospital Patients

Hydrate Me Wristbands – How a Simple Band Aims to Combat Dehydration in Hospital Patients

In some of our recent blogs, we have been looking at new wristband products which have been helping save lives such as the Kingii flotation wristband and the amazing wristband which helps predict autistic outbursts.

This time we are going to take a look at a more modest wristband- one which doesn’t look much different to what you would normally see in a hospital environment, but has a very important job to do.

What Is the Hydrate Me Wristband?

The Hydrate Me wristband has been created by Adeline Doolley, an independent carer who was concerned at the amount of patients dying from dehydration within hospitals and care homes.

old person with medical bands

She designed the wristband to help staff recognise those patients within their care who are unable to hydrate or feed themselves, or those who need a little bit of help when it comes to eating and drinking.

With the Office of National Statistics reporting 1,158 residents in care homes dying from dehydration related illnesses from 2003-2012, this new wristband hopes to reduce that number drastically.

Who Will Benefit?

Having a loved one in a hospital or care home environment is never a nice experience, no matter how old the individual is.

However, it’s especially stressful for the family if they are worried about how their friend or relative will manage to eat or drink by themselves.

Adeline Donnelly says that “For families it’s one of the main concerns they have about whether their loved ones are going to be helped with eating and drinking.”

“There’s nothing really that says that a patient can’t eat or drink on their own and it seems to be a growing problem.”

Physiotherapist With Patient In Rehabilitation

This isn’t a problem which only affects the elderly either, other patients who have movement or strength issues may not be able to lift a jug of water or even reach their cups to hydrate themselves and even patients who have memory issues may forget that they need to drink and eat to keep their strength up.

That’s where the wristband comes in. the band is a bright yellow hospital band, much like you would wear when you are admitted to hospital. The band has “please help. I am unable to eat or drink without your assistance” written on it, alerting staff that the patient on hand will need help when it comes to eating and drinking.

As providers of silicone wristbands, we already know how powerful these arm accessories can be. We sincerely hope that these bands are introduced into the hospital and care home systems to help and protect some of the most vulnerable people in our society.

For more information on how our silicone wristbands can help you broadcast your brand or cause, don’t hesitate to contact our team today on 01524 848382.

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