Can a Wristband Really Change How You Feel?

Can a Wristband Really Change How You Feel?

The beauty of a wristband of any kind is that it can quickly and effectively alert people to many different things. Whether it be rubber wristbands which are attributed to a famous campaign by a charity or a material wristband which show which festivals you have attended, wristbands are an incredibly versatile accessory.

But what if we told you that wristbands can also change how you feel. Not in the “I wish I was back at X festival right now” feeling that you get when you look at the collection of festival bands that you have accumulated over the years, but an actual mood lifting (or calming) feeling?

Well, that’s exactly what is telling you! Let us introduce you to the incredible new wristband technology

The Doppel Wristband

With so many wristband technologies emerging at an alarming rate, you could be forgiven for thinking that this new product will simply be another body monitoring accessory which helps you keep track of what your body is doing at certain points throughout the day.

Closeup on stressed business woman with eyeglasses

However, the Doppel wristband has been designed toliterally change your mood, simply by using rhythmic vibrations and is heavily influenced by the way that certain musical beats affect people’s mood.

The wristband allows the user to discreetly alter the mood that you are in by releasing a pulse into your wrist; a faster beat will keep you more alert and aware and a slower beat will relax and calm you down.

How Does It Work?

With a design which looks very similar to that of a watch, you can be forgiven if you think that behind the reflective stainless steel “face” there will be a watch mechanism.

Instead there is a motor which vibrates in a variety of strengths which aims to adapt and change how the user will feel.

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Because of its discreet design, the Doppel is the perfect device for relaxing business professionals in important meetings where they may feel on edge and nervous and because it is completely controllable by the wearer, it can easily be changed if needs be through the use of a smartphone app.

The Masters of the Rhythm

This ingenious wristband has been created by Jack Hooper, Nell Bennett, Andreas Bilicki and Fotini Markopoulou after researching into the relationship between mental and physical actions- known as psychophysiology.

They looked into the aspect of movement entrainment, which is when people begin to synchronise with other people sharing their environment, such as walking in sync, for example. They discovered that when a beat was connected to the body which mirrored the tempo of a piece of music could calm a person or keep them alert.

Happy handsome young business man working in the office

Hooper says that “We had found that we could achieve this effect with a tactile beat which means that it is very, very discreet,” “It is not like music that is going to cut you off or distract you. You could make someone more excited or calm them down. It is not going to make you happy or sad.”

It’s great to see that  wristbands are becoming so much more than a fashion accessory and are branching out from the popular “body monitor” phase that they seem to be going through right now.

Although our wristbands can’t hype you up or calm you down, they can get your message across and even raise money for a good cause, which always makes people feel good, right?

If you would like more information on any of our wristband products, don’t hesitate to get in touch with the team here at Silicone Wristbands Direct by calling 01524 848382. Alternatively, you can follow us on social media on our Facebook or Twitter pages.

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