Kingii- The Crowdfunded Wearable Helping Save Lives

Kingii- The Crowdfunded Wearable Helping Save Lives

Being around water is always going to carry risks, and sadly, people can still drown even in the shallowest of water. This is why it is important to know the dangers and use floatation aids such as lifejackets even if you feel you can swim well enough.

However, a team of people in California have developed a small, non invasive wristband floatation device that could save many more lives from drowning.

The Device

The Kingii wristband is a compact inflatable which can deploy in a second, reducing the risk of drowning without being as bulky as a lifejacket.

The creators have claimed that is it the smallest inflatable in the world, and the device has caught the attention of many people on the popular crowd-funding website Indiegogo where people can now pre-order this essential wristband.

Why Do We Need One?

According to World Health Organisation figures, around 372,000 people a year drown and the Kingii team know all too well how it feels to lose a loved one to drowning.

Tom Agapiades, the company’s founder,  has told “Unfortunately, the Kingii team has a personal connection with drowning”. “A dear friend of ours drowned in a lake, and it could have been prevented. We don’t want anyone to experience losing a loved one, especially when they can be saved.

Girl Swimming Underwater

With this startling figure in mind, if this floatation device could help reduce even a small amount of these deaths from occurring, we would love to see it widely available.

How Does Kingii Work?

So how does this life-saving wristband device work?

Well, the wristband consists of a lever which activates a CO2 cylinder. This cylinder activation fills up a small balloon-like pouch  which will pull the wearer up towards the surface.

This inflation takes under one second to deploy, reducing the amount of time that the wearer will be underwater for.

The CO2 cartridge is also replaceable, making the device an amazing investment which can be used again and again.

The compact, non-invasive design is created with comfort and size in mind. It is as reliable as a life jacket, but is more comfortable and less bulky, making it the perfect device for activities such as swimming, surfing, sailing and fishing where range of movement would be inhibited by the larger bulk of a lifejacket.

The Kingii also has a built in whistle and compass, allowing the user to attract attention so that they can get help.

It is hoped that the discreet, compact design will attract people who would normally turn down a lifejacket.

This unique wristband device is a great idea, and we hope that it achieves its goal of reducing that shocking number of people who have drowned, even by a fraction.

With many companies realising the benefits of wristbands, we can’t wait to see what the future holds for other wristband products, such as our very own silicone wristbands. Maybe they will be able to help save people’s lives in the future, too!

For more information on the wristband solutions that we have here at Silicone Wristbands Direct, don’t hesitate to get in contact with us on 01524 848382 today.

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