Planning an Event? 3 Reasons You Should Use Custom Wristbands

Planning an Event? 3 Reasons You Should Use Custom Wristbands

If you’re the organiser of an event, chances are you’re wondering how you can make the event go off without a hitch and go as smoothly as possible.

Custom silicone wristbands are a great addition to any event, no matter what type of event it will be. Whether it’s a huge concert or a small family fun day, using custom wristbands can help keep your even running smoothly with very little effort.

As custom wristband specialists, here are 3 reasons that an event organiser should use customised bands at their event!

Reduces Unauthorised Entry

Unlike some other ticket solutions, customised silicone wristbands can’t be forged or tampered with.

Depending on the nature of the event, you may find that there are some people who will want to enter without paying. They will generally do this by attempting to forge a ticket or tamper with an existing one to make it look like a valid ticket so that they can gain entry.

Various charity fundraising wristbands

With a silicone wristband especially, it is incredibly hard to tamper with the design without it being glaringly obvious, and it would take a lot of time, money  and effort to get a brand new wristband printed to look exactly the same.

This way, you will only be allowing people who have paid into your event.

How to Planning an Event and Bring Attention To Your Brand

Custom wristbands are a great way to promote anything you like; it could be a product, a service, a cause – even just your business as a whole.

Although wristbands are a popular choice, if you have a unique reason for using them to promote yourself, you will definitely get some attention towards your business – especially if you have targets the right audience correctly!

Speaker at Business Conference and Presentation.

Wristbands are one of those promotional items which people will keep, so you may even find that people begin to recognise your brand through the wristband that they are wearing on their wrist on a daily basis.

They Can Help Identify Age Groups

If you have an event where it is necessary to identify certain age groups, customised wristbands make a great, non-invasive way to show which individuals belong to which age group.

This is perfect for those events which host a bar as it will reduce the need for the bar staff to ID every single person who comes up to the bar as those who are of an age to drink could be ID’d upon entry and provided with a custom wristband that proves that they can legally buy alcohol.

Barmans arms pulling a pint of beer behind the bar

Custom wristbands have a variety of different uses, but they are especially useful when it comes to planning an event  and ensuring that it runs smoothly with very little effort.

If you’re interested in creating a custom wristband for your event, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us here at Silicone Wristbands Direct. Call us today on 01524 848382 and a member of our team will be happy to take your call.

Alternatively, visit our Facebook and Twitter pages to keep up to date with all our latest news and updates!

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