Sweat It Out: New Wristband Tech Uses Sweat to Monitor Health

Sweat It Out: New Wristband Tech Uses Sweat to Monitor Health

Wristband technology is constantly evolving, and as specialists who provide wristbands for charity purposes ourselves, we always love hearing about the new, innovative ways that wristbands are being adapted to help people all around the world.

In the past, we’ve looked at the heartbeat wristband which connects long distance partners, as well as the wristband which measures chemical exposure levels, but this time, we’re looking at a new piece of wristband tech which could revolutionise the way we monitor our health… using our sweat!

Why Use Sweat?

Believe it or not, sweat is actually a great resource that your body produces which can help detect health issues that you may have; it’s not just an annoying reaction to heat or exercise!

With so many different wearable technology now available to monitor physical activity and heart rate, this advancement in technology to utilise sweat is a welcome addition to those who would want to monitor other aspects of their health, too.

excessive sweating

This latest wearable device has been proposed by a team of engineers at the Berkely University of California with the intention of creating a future of devices which can monitor bodily functions and health such as hydration levels and fatigue.

According to Ali Javey, one of the professors of electrical engineering working on the project, the wristband technology will be able to use the information that can be extracted from sweat and give a comprehensive look at certain aspects of a person’s health. He says:

“Sweat is complex and it is necessary to measure multiple targets to extract meaningful information about your state of health. In this regard, we have developed a fully integrated system that simultaneously and selectively measures multiple sweat analytes, and wirelessly transmits the processed data to a smartphone. Our work presents a technology platform for sweat-based health monitors.”

A Non-Invasive Monitoring System

The wristband consists of a wireless circuit board which has various sensors connected to monitor the levels of glucose and lactate, as well as sodium and potassium. The wristband will also monitor the temperature of the wearer’s skin.

Keeping track

By measuring these levels, the wearer will be able to determine how hydrated they are or if their muscles are beginning to become fatigued – perfect for using when exercising to ensure that a person doesn’t over-exert themselves.

The readings are transferred to a connected smartphone app so that the wearer can see the levels in real time.

It’s incredible to see wristband technology advancing in such a way that they are helping a variety of people keep themselves healthy. Charity wristbands started off helping raise money for people in need; now these wearable wristband technologies are physically helping them, too!

Although our wristbands can’t tell you if you’ve drunk enough water or if your muscles are getting tired, they can help you raise awareness for a great cause. For more information on how you can get your hands on some durable charity wristbands from Silicone Wristbands Direct, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us today on  01524 848382, or on our Facebook or Twitter pages!

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