Whether you are a large or small business, employees are your most valuable asset. Thanks to their commitment, hard-work, loyalty and enthusiasm, goals are reached and things get done well. However, the value is not just in economic terms through orders won, but also in terms of reputation, trust and credibility. Workers can be powerful ambassadors of your business if they feel appreciated, valued and motivated. It is therefore vital that you put in place processes to recognise employee achievement to get that all-important buy-in.
Reasons why we should recognise your employees
More motivation, more productivity
First of all, your employees are not robots. They are human with feelings and emotions. Many workers spend all day looking forward to leaving work at the end of the day. However, feeling like this they are unlikely to give you their best. They will not be creative, willing to solve problems, enthusiastic or engaged. Just going through the motions if you like.
What leaders need to do is help employees see the benefit of their role or job by creating a good work environment, empowering them and giving them a voice and importantly recognising their achievement and commitment. They will then be enthusiastic to come to work, more productive and far more willing to deliver high standards.

Employees who feel valued will want to stay
An engaged and committed employee is usually a loyal employee. As we mentioned earlier, employees are valuable and we need to keep their skills and knowledge within the business.
It is important to show that we care, and it is not just down to salary or bonuses. Flexible working, investing in their development through training, offering increased responsibility, the potential for promotion and of course praise for a job well done, are all intrinsic rewards that motivate people.
Without job satisfaction and these intrinsic rewards, then you are unlikely to build real commitment and loyalty and there is then always the risk they will leave at the first opportunity.
Employees can be ambassadors
If an employee feels valued and enjoys their work, they are likely to be much more willing to become positive ambassadors for your business. Telling their friends and family what a great employer you are and offering customers a great service by going the extra mile. Recommendations by your employees are credible and build trust in others. The logic being if you look after your employees you are bound to look after your customers!
How to recognise your employees
Keep it simple: send an email to all your employees or team
It doesn’t cost anything to write a few lines on an email expressing your appreciation and gratitude to your team. If this is something you do not do regularly, then it will undoubtedly be a very pleasant surprise and inevitably boost morale. However, done too often it loses the sincerity and can even become counterproductive if the team thinks you are just paying them lip service.
Keep it even more simple: a simple thanks!
Many people find it hard to say thanks but are quick to criticise or judge harshly. That is why a simple thank you, said with heartfelt sincerity, has such a massive impact.
If you don’t believe us, the next time someone does something well, give them a simple pat on the back – “hey, you did a great job with that” or “thanks so much for staying late. It is really appreciated” – and just see what happens to their body language. Not only will you get a smile but you will immediately see that rosy glow of pride and a renewal of energy.
However, as with any offer of thanks, it should never be rhetorical so use this approach skillfully to get the best effect.
Free training or team building activities
Investing in training and personal development for your employees is one of the best things you can do to recognise and reward their efforts, either collectively or individually. Developing skills and knowledge is vital for the business of course! However, showing you are willing to invest time and money in their development shows you care about them and value their contribution.
Complimentary Trips, Away-Days and Events
Set up a competition or raffle for your employees with the chance to win a trip (e.g. stay at a nice hotel, sporting event).
You can also organise events to recognise individual teams or the whole organisation. We do this at Christmas, but what about a Summer Ball or barbecue? Yes, there is a cost, but this can be more than repaid through increased productivity and innovation. So, if your business can afford it, then go for it!
However, there are cheaper events you can organise for employees that they will appreciate. Take individual teams out for a few drinks, a meal or even bowling. Buy in a few pizzas for a team lunch. Remember, it is the thought that counts and when this is spontaneous and unexpected it will be appreciated even more.
Personalised Medals for achievement or service
Why not recognise the achievement, effort and commitment of individual employees or teams with Personalised Medals? Perhaps have an annual or periodic awards ceremony or celebrate when a long-serving member of staff leaves. You may even like to organise sporting events for your team, perhaps inviting your customers along too to spectate or take part, and hand out medals to those taking part.
We all like to win medals and a custom Medal is that much more special. Bearing your branding and organisation details, high quality with a personalised ribbon, is a simple way to show your people how much they are valued. Don’t get me wrong, a simple thanks goes a long way, but a high-quality, personalised, medal will last a lifetime and be displayed with pride.

At Web Products Direct we offer a range of high-quality customised medals in metal and silicone (and even wood if you like), a free design service, no set-up fees, and highly competitive prices. All you have to do is contact our expert design team to request a quote or for some great design ideas and tips.
If you have any questions about our blog or would like to find out more about Custom Medals please let us know. In the meantime, transform morale in your business today by showing your team how much you care. And thank you for reading our blog!