If you run an event, there’s no doubt that you have heard of the power of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) wristbands and how they can revolutionise the event industry. The wireless tech has become a standard across the industry for many event organisers. It has even become a sort of badge of honour for those attending the events.
So, what are the benefits of RFID wristbands for your business? Here at Silicone Wristbands Direct, we know that the practical advantages of this particular wristband are multiple for your business.
No Cash
ATM lines and their accompanying fees are a thing of the past thanks to this wristband. The band allows wearers to add their payment method details so that a simple tap of the wrist can result in a fast and no fuss payment. You may think that this only saves a minute number of minutes. However, the real benefit comes from not having to carry cash or even a wallet to make payments. Meaning becoming a victim of theft is much less likely for your customers.
RFID Wristbands means VIP
The technology of the RFID means that you will be able to upgrade your customers without ever having to change the physical nature of the band. Handheld devices held by event staff can upgrade their package or change their information at the click of a button. This means last-minute upgrades can be a smooth and money-making process!

Remove Fake Tickets
Electronic signatures mean that the possibility of fake tickets is further reduced. Printing a fake ticket or producing a fake band is possible, but it is much more difficult to fake an electronic signal that you can change and customise whenever you need – or indeed when you feel counterfeit may be occurring.
It also means lost wristbands cannot be used by others, as you can deactivate them and make them useless to anyone who may have stolen one.
Speedier System
Overall, the true benefit of the RFID wristband is the overall saving of time and creation of a speedier system. Make long, arduous, lines a thing of the past with a much quicker system of letting people into events. No longer will you have to rely on staff checking ticket after ticket – leaving room for human error – and causing hours of lines.
This will save you time for your staff, allowing them to do more important tasks, whilst also help improve the experience for your customers and improve your reputation.

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