5 Ways Wristbands Can Be Used in Schools

5 Ways Silicone Wristbands Can Be Used in Schools

Silicone wristbands have proven time and time again to have many uses when applied to events such as festivals, parties and corporate events. But did you know that they have a number of incredibly useful applications in schools, as well? Wristbands are perfect for children; they’re durable, waterproof and so colourful and funky that kids already love wearing them.


With hundreds of children to look after every day, schools could really benefit from using wristbands for different identification purposes. Here are five ways that schools can utilise silicone wristbands for their students:

Lunch Time

Lunch time, whilst often the most enjoyable part of the school day for the children, is arguably one of the most stressful times for the staff monitoring them. With so many hungry mouths to cater to, it can be difficult to keep track of everything going on, especially when it comes to ensuring no child is given a meal they shouldn’t be eating.

With the help of silicone wristbands, this stress can be alleviated. For children with life-threatening allergies, a simple red wristband can serve as a great, visual aid for the staff serving food to be aware of what they’re serving the children. The wristband could even have the world ‘Allergy’, or the specific allergy itself, printed or embossed on it to make it even more efficient.

For schools that implement a menu system, whereby the children select their meal in advance and then present a ticket or inform the servers of their chosen meal, wristbands could simplify this process. With plain coloured wristbands – one for each meal option – meal times will run much more smoothly. You won’t have to worry about the kids forgetting their choice, it’ll be right there on their wrists. Also, tallying how many bands went out of each colour provides the kitchen staff with the correct quantities of food needed, helping to eliminate food waste.


Two women serving kids food in a school cafeteria

School Discos

Children look forward to their school disco all year long. It’s a night of dancing (well, jumping up and down) to music and consuming way too many sweets. Make your school’s disco one the kids will remember with the addition of cool, glow-in-the-dark silicone wristbands. The kids will love the glowing green effect, and the wristbands make keeping track of the children a breeze for the disco chaperones.


School Trips

Every parent and teacher’s worst nightmare is a missing child on a school trip. School trips are a great way for children to experience learning outside of the classroom and often create their most beloved memories when they look back at their time in school. But with dozens of children running around and just a handful of staff keeping an eye on them, even the most efficient attendance-taking method can, on occasion, fall short.

If a missing child is particularly young or has learning difficulties, they may not be able to navigate their way to a safe place or inform any helpful strangers of their school’s name or where they should be. By issuing every child on a school trip with a silicone wristband that has the school’s name and contact number printed on them, you can ensure that, should the worst happen, you can be reunited with that child in no time.


A Lost Child

Classroom Rewards

Whether it’s for good participation or for scoring well on a maths test, children love to be recognised for their achievements in school. Silicone wristbands make great rewards for kids in the classroom. You could utilise a tiered bronze, silver and gold wristband system, or have wristbands engraved with praises such as ‘Maths genius’ or ‘Football star’. Wristbands are perfect for praising a child’s achievements; they can wear their band with pride, knowing they’ve earned it. And if you decide you don’t want to hand them out on a permanent basis, you could even implement a hand-over scheme, where the children collect three bands and receive a special gift in return.


After School Clubs

Keeping track of children during the school day can be stressful enough, but when the day ends and most of the staff leave, it can become even more intense for those in charge of looking after the ones who stay behind for after school activities.

Children love belonging to part of a team, so why not utilise silicone wristbands for your after school clubs? You can have them printed with the name of the club or use a colour coded system such as green wristbands for the gardening club, red for the drama club or even a chequered wristband for the boardgame club. The kids will love the feeling of unity in having their matching wristbands, and the few staff tasked with running the clubs will be able to keep an eye on any children wandering into the wrong group.


Silicone Wristbands


Whether it’s for safety reasons or just for fun, any school could really benefit from using silicone wristbands in the classroom. Browse our range of silicone wristbands today.

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