What are the Best Bold Colours to Use in Marketing?

What are the Best Bold Colours to Use in Marketing?

Personalised wristbands and RFID Wristbands are a great way to get your brand noticed, but by choosing the right colour, you can create maximum visibility as well as ensure that your brand message is remembered for longer. Read on and find out the best bold colours to use in marketing.

An explosion of colourful powder


Red can psychologically trigger the desire for fizzy drinks thanks to Coca-Cola, as well as sales and discounts due to its constant use for shopping events and seasonal sales. Because if this, red is best for retail or brands offering a product. If you decide to opt for primary red, avoid teaming it with green as this can be difficult to read, as well as appear too festive. Instead look towards simplicity, with red text on a white background, or vice versa. A more modern approach to this colour is to pair an oxblood red with colours in the same colour spectrum.


Yellow has been proven to be the most noticeable colour when used in branding, however, it can be easy to take a wrong approach to such a bold colour. A black background and yellow text can create a striking message that will get your brand noticed, although, to do it the other way round can remind people of Caterpillar and DIY. Avoid pairing it with contrasting colours as this can appear childish and too busy. If you opt for yellow, it’s best to stick to black, gold or white.


Primary and lighter shades of green work well for agriculture, florists, fair trade or children’s brands but can appear too juvenile for others. A sophisticated shade of mint looks great for beauty brands or clothing whilst rich, opulent emeralds are perfect for emulating a sense of style and luxury. Harrods have perfected the rich, earthy green shade that is associated with wealth and luxury.


Blue is seen as a dependable colour, often used in banking and healthcare. Barclays and the NHS are great examples of using this colour to create a clear brand look. If you want to create a trustworthy, sincere brand message, blue is a great option for you. However, if you’re wanting a quirky or edgy look, avoid this shade.


Pink used to be predominantly considered as a feminine colour that would only work for women’s brands. However, the popularity of millennial pink and nude pink tones have seen the colour become one of the most popular fashion tones for both men and women. If you want to connect with a young, fashion-forward audience, this is the shade for you. However, stay away from traditional bubblegum or floral pinks as these are still associated with teenage girls and young, feminine audiences.

To find out more about how you can create a wristband that will stand out from the rest, read our blog post: What style of wristband is best for your brand’s aim?

For more information or advice on your personalised wristband, please contact us today.

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