Custom CAr Air Fresheners Promotional Product
5 Great Tips for Using Custom Car Air Fresheners

With the lockdown restrictions easing, and businesses trying to find ways of re-engaging with their customers, now is the perfect time to use promotional products.  And there is no better promotional giveaway to win hearts and minds than a Car Air Freshener. But how do you get the best value from your promotional give away?  […]

Be a Buddy and Spelling Superstar School Wristbands
Running Political Campaigns with Silicone Wristbands

No matter if you are red or blue, yellow or green, or any colour in between; you can show your political colours with personalised silicone wristbands. In this blog we are going to look at the best wearable alternative to an old-fashioned rosette (or a bright red hat) to represent your chosen party when it […]

4 Tips for Planning an Event on a Budget
4 Tips for Planning an Event on a Budget

Businesses of all sizes benefit from putting on events for their clients and customers. Fundraising, charity and promotional events are just a few options. Events are a great way to make connections, re-connect with existing clients and attract new customers. The great news is events can be run to suit any budget, and we’ve got […]

Why RFID Wristbands are Perfect for Gym Access Control
Why RFID Wristbands are Perfect for Gym Access Control

If you’re setting up or looking to improve the access control in your gym, then you should definitely consider using RFID wristbands. These wristbands have a wide range of benefits for the gym owner and here we explore how they can help to improve your business.

Why Personalised Wristbands Belong in Your Marketing Mix
Why Personalised Wristbands Belong in Your Marketing Mix

Ever since the phenomenal success of the iconic yellow Livestrong silicone wristband in 2004, these simple accessories have been a must have marketing item. Cleverly combining fashion and promotion, personalised wristbands make a positive and powerful impact.

What are the Best Bold Colours to Use in Marketing?
What are the Best Bold Colours to Use in Marketing?

Personalised wristbands and RFID Wristbands are a great way to get your brand noticed, but by choosing the right colour, you can create maximum visibility as well as ensure that your brand message is remembered for longer. Read on and find out the best bold colours to use in marketing.

Got Old Wristbands? Get Creative!
Wear Your Campaign – The Impact of Wrist-Based Marketing

If you’ve ever been exposed to a marketing campaign, you’ll know that there are countless ways that businesses advertise their product, brand or ideals in many different mediums. From billboards to online adverts, and viral campaigns to videos, a lot is going on in the world of advertising; and it can sometimes be a bit […]

What Style of Wristband is Best for Your Brand’s Aim?
What Style of Wristband is Best for Your Brand’s Aim?

Personalised silicone wristbands have seen a surge in popularity over recent years, becoming a staple choice for brand advertising and a clever way to organically spread a name. A great design will make waves amongst friend circles, as well as catching the eye of anyone close by. You may also notice that by offering a choice […]

5 Simple Ways to Boost Brand Awareness
5 Simple Ways to Boost Brand Awareness

Whether a business is starting up or needs a few more customers, it is most likely missing out on one key factor: brand awareness. Besides traditional advertising, there are many other ways to get the word out into the world that there is a fantastic business in town, and that it’s yours! There is a […]

Marketing Gone Wrong: Examples of Bad Marketing (Part 2)
Marketing Gone Wrong: Examples of Bad Marketing (Part 2)

As you’ve previously read in the first part on the Silicone Wristbands blog, bad marketing can seriously affect companies’ reputation. In an age where social media platforms disperse information quicker than news outlets, it’s vital to ensure that every step of the marketing campaign is thought about and considered before being implemented. In this second part, we’ll […]