Whether a business is starting up or needs a few more customers, it is most likely missing out on one key factor: brand awareness. Besides traditional advertising, there are many other ways to get the word out into the world that there is a fantastic business in town, and that it’s yours!
There is a lot that you can do when it comes to boosting the awareness of your brand and, once you’ve got the main frameworks, such as a business plan, logo and a working system, brand awareness is next on the agenda. At Silicone Wristbands Direct, we know just how important brand awareness is, so, just how do you do that in 5 simple steps?

Regardless of what type of business you have, holding an event is a fantastic way to build brand awareness and the hype around your company. Whether it’s a summer BBQ or a product release, getting your target audience together in one room is sure to create a buzz for your business and especially your brand. It is also a wonderful way to be able to spend time with your audience, build strong links, forge connections and spread the word of mouth. After all, it’s not only what you know, but who you know as well.
You could even think outside the box when it comes to holding an event. Is your brand about to launch a new line of kid’s toys? Why not hold a family fun day, presenting all kinds of fun activities, and your product range there? Or if you have a photography business, why not hold a huge party, in which you will be snapping away and showcasing your work. Post the photos online and you can bring in business like that. After all, your business is as creative as you can get!

Social Media and Marketing
Taking to platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram can be a great starting point to get your brand out there. Not only this, but these are all great free-of-charge outlets to promote yourself, build your company and your audience, and, more importantly, the brand.
In this day and age, everyone is on social media, and you are most likely going to get a lot of your audience and traction through the online world. Make sure you post regularly, get your page branded correctly, and stay relevant and on topic with your content. Some of the best performing social media brands include Starbucks and Chanel so, if you need some inspiration, be sure to check out their profiles. In addition, make sure that you know your target audience so you use the correct platform and post at the right times of day.

Through sponsoring an event, a product, or even a charity, you can reach your target audience and increase the chance of more branding opportunities, essentially making your brand more visible. Any business, from small to large, will usually welcome sponsors and, depending on the size of the business you are sponsoring, a charge may occur; this can be small compared to the business you will hopefully bring in from the awareness you have built.
Make sure the brand or product you are sponsoring is relevant to your target audience, however, as you won’t get any added business otherwise.

PR and Outreach
Gaining press coverage will be a huge boost for your brand, whether local or on a bigger scale. It is similar to getting free advertising, but in a way better, because by being published on a creditable source you gain more authority and are more likely to bring in more business.
Perhaps the most difficult part is coming up with the angle of the story and writing is, as most publishers will leave this down to you. Think of who you want to target, how wide an audience you are planning on reaching, and who will write a press release. If you have a new business in a small area this could be easier, but if you have been up and running for a while, you may need to get creative.
A personal story can work well from this angle, and so can insider knowledge in your industry which may be of interest to people. Try scouting on social media channels such as Twitter to see what’s hot in your industry. Check those hashtags! Try using #pressrequest or #journorequest.

It is equally as important to sink in the success of an event or any ongoing campaign with the accompaniment of merchandise. Using promotional merchandise enhances your brand with your audience, not just visually but also psychologically.
Not only does it provide a link between you and your audience, but it also gives them a sense of obligation, as you are giving them something of value; and most of the time for free! One of the main ways of doing this is through items such as silicone wristbands. These are proven to be successful for those post-event moments, as people wear them for months after, with some people even collecting them!
These simply pieces create a sure boost in brand awareness. You can’t help but check out a person’s wrist wear, especially when its bright and has a cool logo on it! Not only are these great for giving your brand a kick, but they won’t create a hole in your business finances either!
Get in touch with the friendly team at Silicone Wristbands Direct for more information on how you can utilise the silicone wristband to give your brand a boost in the right direction!
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