Got Old Wristbands? Get Creative!

Wear Your Campaign – The Impact of Wrist-Based Marketing

If you’ve ever been exposed to a marketing campaign, you’ll know that there are countless ways that businesses advertise their product, brand or ideals in many different mediums. From billboards to online adverts, and viral campaigns to videos, a lot is going on in the world of advertising; and it can sometimes be a bit overwhelming.

One thing that a lot of marketing companies pass by is the idea of marketing their business subtly alongside their more ‘out-there’ campaigns. And that’s where something like clothing-based marketing can come in handy. Here are just a few of the ways that using personalised wristbands for your marketing can have a significant impact.Various charity fundraising wristbands studio cutout

Long Lasting Marketing

When it comes to ongoing advertising, silicone wristbands soon pay for themselves ten times over. Whereas a flyer, food item or TV campaign only lasts for a certain amount of time, wristbands continue to advertise for your company for as long as people want to wear them. Even the simple act of including colour in ways that people enjoy, or famous catch-phrases, can encourage the wearing of wristbands long past your campaign’s end date – without any additional cost to you. Exciting patterns and colours further the style of your bands, making them even more appealing to a child and teenage demographic – so if that’s what you’re aiming for, wristbands might be for you.


Think of festival goers – after an event, how long do many of them wait before removing their paper wristbands? For some, it can be years, but due to the nature of the material the details of the event become distorted and rub off long before some individuals have finished wearing them. Replace those paper bands with plastic, and you create a lasting memento for an event, show or campaign that can be used to join together groups or show solidarity for a cause.

For many people, attending a festival or concert can be an emotional, exciting event that they want to remember and connect with, along with their friends or family; and with silicone wristbands, you can do that. Whether it’s a band name, festival date and the year or song lyrics, there are many things you can do to connect fans with events.

Audience with hands in the air at a music festival

Self Identity

Wristbands aren’t just about brand advertising – they’re about personal advertising too. Completing a marathon or obstacle course can be a difficult task, but receiving your participation trophy or pin at the end makes it all worthwhile – and shows just how proud you are of what you’ve achieved. This thinking can be utilised with silicone wristbands, with anything from charity events through to identification for school sports days. It’s a waterproof, life-proof way to identify yourself as having done something special that’s worth shouting about – and also provides advertising for that event or run in the process.

Marketing on your Wrist

Wristbands can truly be the gateway to great marketing. With a bit of creativity and some inspired events or products, you’ll soon find your brand on everyone’s wrist; and that’s publicity you can’t buy elsewhere. Contact us today and we’ll help you make that campaign a reality.

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