21st Century Tracking with RFID Festival Wristbands

21st Century Tracking with RFID Festival Wristbands

RFID, or Radio Frequency Identification, is becoming increasingly popular at festivals. From the smallest local concert, to weekend long events with thousands of people, RFID is the alternative ticketing system which is really taking off.

Not only is RFID considerably harder to copy than a paper-based ticket, but the in-built technology stops tickets being passed along to friends who don’t have access to places like VIP areas. Counterfeit or cloned wristbands are impossible to produce. Any which do appear can be easily deactivated, stopping the problem in its tracks. For us though, one thing which RFID wristbands are especially useful for is digital detection.

Audience with hands in the air at a music festival

Real Time Tracking For You

At any event where there’s more than one activity on offer, you’re going to want to know what’s proving to be most popular. That’s especially important if you’re planning a repeat event, and want to know what sort of activities attracted the most attention so that those can be booked for the next event.

Not only does it give you some idea about attraction popularity, once you know where people are flocking to, you’ll soon know the best locations for the all important toilets, food outlets, and merchandise stalls, which will help you cut down on frustrating queues and crowds which annoy so many visitors.

Reduce the Risk

Even the most robust security guards can’t be everywhere at once, and while most of your visitors will be there to enjoy what you’ve provided, there’s always the potential for troublemakers. Once you’ve identified any troublemakers, their RFID wristband can be remotely deactivated, so that the next time they scan it, staff are alerted to the location of the unwanted guest, allowing them to take action right away.

Connect with Sponsors

If people are at a festival, and that festival has been generously sponsored. Your visitors won’t want to hang around for ages and chat to the sponsor’s representatives. With RFID, a simple tap of the RFID band can transmit the visitor’s details to the sponsor, allowing them to make contact with the visitor after the festival. No need to worry about reams of paper, or writing down the wrong address – it’s all there, digitally, and ready to help your sponsor meet new customers and boost their business.

colored silicone wristband

RFID festival wristbands put you in charge, so why wouldn’t you make use of this brilliant new technology for your next festival? We can customise silicone wristbands to your design, and requirements, so visit us and find out what a difference RFID silicone wristband can make to your event. Contact us today, and bring your festival into the 21st Century.

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