21st Century Tracking with RFID Festival Wristbands

Top Benefits of Using RFID Wristbands for Your Events

RFID wristbands are an incredibly popular piece of technology that is being used for the likes of building access and cashless payment. Using electromagnetic waves to identify and track the wearer as well as utilising data capture techniques, personalised wristbands used for RFID purposes are a great addition to your next event.

RFID wristbands have the capacity to securely store information and data that is used for authentication purposes. As a multi-purpose, custom silicone wristband, they are fully customisable to suit your needs. So, why should you implement them for your next event?

Summer music festival attracting a lot of people

Cut Down Queues at Your Event

Wireless event technology is growing in popularity as it makes organisation of the event much smoother and easier. It is becoming the standard for all different kinds of events including racing events and food and drink festivals, as well as the many music festivals that take place around the country.

RFID wristbands can cut down queues for those waiting to get inside your event. Making it easier to scan people on entry, this kind of wristband means attendees simply just wave their wrist over a sensor; cutting out the need to rummage in bags for paper tickets. This can make entry lines go down quicker, helping your security team along the way.

Going Cashless

RFID wristbands now allow people to go cashless at events; simply topping up their wristband with credit before heading to the bar or food stall. This can eliminate the risk that comes with an event dealing with lots of physical money.

The silicone wristbands are easy to top up, and those attending your event can add payment information to the system before they get to the event.

Using the Data for Future Events

The data captured on each RFID wristband allows you to get a better insight of who’s at your event, which concession stands have done particularly well, or even to find out which speaker was the most popular. The wristbands also give you the chance to look at how people are moving around the event, allowing you to improve layout for next year.

So, to impress your guests at your next event and make everything run smoother than ever before, contact us to find out more about our personalised wristbands!

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