Charities: Take Advantage of the New Year

4 Marketing Resolutions for 2017

2017 has officially dawned and with it has come a rush of resolutions; some that will come to fruition and some that will fall into obscurity. Whether personal or work-related, it is easy to accidentally disregard your resolutions and watch them fall to the sidelines. However, this shouldn’t be the case in marketing!

As a constantly evolving organism, you need to be constantly adjusting your campaigns to keep your marketing functioning at the highest level.

So, what resolutions should you be making to get your marketing campaigns for 2017 off to a rocketing start?

1 – Keep Data as Your Lifeblood

It almost goes without saying that data is at the heart of any good marketing campaign. You need data to tell you who your customer is, the buyer’s journey that they venture on and even what works in your marketing strategy. A good 2017 marketing resolution is to keep data at the heart of your marketing.

Check which pages’ people visit the most and gear your content around this. Determine the activity of your users, do they frequently return to your site but still do not commit to a purchase. This tells you that remarketing advertisements may be a good investment in order to help re-direct these wayward customers back to your site.

Data can tell you a story and your marketing resolution of 2017 should be, without a doubt, to listen to what it has to say. You may be surprised at the successes you reap as a result!

2 – Review 2016

Being successful in 2017 will, partly, be a result of the lessons that you manage to learn from 2016. What content gained the most views in your marketing campaign? What didn’t do so well? Can your goals for the upcoming year take advantage of this, creating content that follows along the same vein of the successes of 2016?

marketing board strategy
As an ever-evolving entity, you should be monitoring and adjust your marketing campaign throughout the year. But, the beginning of a year is a great time to get back on track with this if you haven’t done so in a while. People state “New Year, new me” and the same can be applied to your marketing strategy. Develop the success of the previous year and learn from the mistakes, 2017 can turn them all on their head!

3 – Focus More on Quality Content

Scrolling is almost habitual to the average social media and internet user in the modern age. Rarely does the thumb stop, hover and click on what it is scrolling past. Therefore, in this age of short attention spans and indifference earning that click is extremely difficult. Focus on quality content for your potential customers is, therefore, an essential resolution to be made in 2017.

man taking notes
The higher quality content you create in your marketing, the further you will stand out from the competition and the more likely you are to assert your brand authority and trust. This will be an essential marketing strategy throughout 2017 and so you should set this resolution early!

4 – Seek Our Your Niche

Increasingly, industries will be turning to the niche market in 2017 in order to find the most suitable customers. If your brand has niche capabilities or even a niche marketing angle to launch from, then this is something you may want to research to keep on trend.

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Your product or industry may not be niche in itself. Nor should you change the core of your business in order to take advantage of this growing demand for niche. However, it is possible to appeal to this audience using a more niche marketing strategy. Perhaps this will be creating content using your product, but using it in a niche way that will appeal to a less general audience. Or perhaps you may do this through a similar advertising campaign.

To find out more about how you can design and create your own branded silicone wristbands to bolster your marketing resolutions in 2017, contact us here or call +44 (0) 845 644 1225 to speak to one of our friendly representatives.

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