Businesses of all sizes benefit from putting on events for their clients and customers. Fundraising, charity and promotional events are just a few options. Events are a great way to make connections, re-connect with existing clients and attract new customers. The great news is events can be run to suit any budget, and we’ve got 4 great tips for planning an event, even if your budget is a little on the small side. Just take a look:

1. Set Your Budget First
When it comes to event planning, having just a general idea of your budget is no good. Hidden costs may crop up at any time. To minimise this risk, plan and set your budget before you do anything else. This way you have a strict structure to follow and can tailor your planning to fit in around the available funds. If anomalies come up, you can shift your budget around accordingly. Having a reliable spreadsheet with all your costs in one place will help everything be much more efficient.
2. Use Affordable Marketing Strategies
Marketing doesn’t have to be expensive; in fact, there are plenty of ways to get your event out there without spending too much. Social media is a great tool for getting noticed, with plenty of options for marketing on a budget or even for free. Making an event on Facebook that can be shared on every social media platform is a great way to draw up attendance – and it’s completely free to do. Distributing leaflets is also a cost-effective way to get all the details of your event into the right hands. Ask local places to stock a pile of your leaflets, such as in the library or in local bars and cafes so people in the area are aware of your upcoming event.
3. Consider Sponsors
Depending on your company and the type of event, you may be able to gather sponsors to help cover some of the costs. This is usually in exchange for promotion during the event, including the sponsor’s name or logo on event advertising and throughout the day. Not only is this another great way to make connections, but it can really help you boost your budget to make your event even better.
4. Choose Practical Giveaways
You always want people to leave your event with something, but giveaways don’t need to cost a fortune. Custom silicone wristbands are fun, affordable and a great way to market your business. Personalise the wristbands with your company name, colours and/or logo, and hand them out to all attendees. There are many ways to market with wristbands, and you don’t need to break the bank to do it. For more information on our services or a quote, contact us at Silicone Wristbands Direct today and we will be happy to help.
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