Car Air Fresheners from Car Air Fresheners Direct

The Importance of Wowing your customers to Drive Repeat Business

In this article we explore why creating the wow factor is important to help you grow your business by building customer relationships. Also, how promotional products, such as custom Car Air Fresheners, can help with the process of building customer relationships.

Whether you offer Car Wash services, taxi services, Car Repairs or Airport and Valet parking, you will want your customer to return time and again. There is always a cost to winning a new customer (e.g. from advertising, leaflets and other promotions and discounts) so it is always cheaper to sell a product or service to an existing customer.

So how do I make sure I get lots of repeat business?

The key is developing a relationship with your customer. This has to start with a great service. Meeting and exceeding their expectations. Then building loyalty to your business or organisation (i.e. your brand) which the customer associates with a great service.

Not only will they then keep coming back to you time and again, but they are going to be more willing to recommend your product and services to their friends and family. So you are not just offering a great service to the customer right in front of you but potentially everyone they know!

How do I build a strong customer relationship?

Trust is key. You build trust by making sure:

  • You know the customer and what they need (you sell what they want to buy and not just what you want to sell!).
  • You know your stuff. Lack of product or service knowledge undermines confidence.
  • You consistently deliver value for money and quality (you are only as good as your last job!).
  • You go that extra mile. Offer a personal touch. Like giving them a free Car Air Freshener which customers love!

How does branding impact customer relationships?

In an ideal world, you would get chance to speak to your customers regularly so you have lots of chances to remind them what a great service you offer.

Sadly, for many organisations, this isn’t possible. You may offer online services (like Car Air Fresheners Direct), sell your products or services nationally or overseas, or deliver services that the customer doesn’t buy that frequently.

The risk is that between talking to you last and the next time they need your product and service your customer has been contacted by your competitors keen to win them over. Or possibly they have had a recommendation from friends or family to talk to a competitor!

This is why promoting your brand is so important. Making sure that your customer continually sees your branding out there, even they don’t get chance to talk to you face to face. Promoting your brand acts a constant reminder that the next time they need your product or service then you are one to help!

So how do I promote my brand?

Ah, well funny you should ask!

You can, of course, send emails, be sociable on social media, use telemarketing, or traditional marketing such as adverts, mailshots and catalogues. All have there place depending on your customer.

However, we particularly like custom car air fresheners as they build brand awareness. And let me tell you why:

  • They build trust by demonstrating you are willing to go that extra mile. Have an attention to detail with that all important personal touch that makes all the difference
  • Are a relatively inexpensive promotional product
  • Have great novelty value. Customers simply love Car Air Freshener giveaways
  • Memorable as you can’t help but notice that distinctive car air freshener fragrance
  • They are highly visible. Whether your car air freshener is used in a car or a gym locker, they will be seen regularly. Hanging in a car they are hard to miss!
  • As we print both sides of the car air freshener, there is plenty of room to display your logo and all your important contact details such as web address, phone number and email. All the information your customer needs at a glance.

People just love them. It is hard to resist not hanging one up in your car!

If you want to find out how to build your brand and increase your sales through repeat business then give one of our product promotion experts a call on 01524 848382. Let us help you develop a custom Car Air Freshener that promotes your brand mile by mile!

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