Award Wristbands for Good Behaviour in the Classroom

Award Wristbands for Good Behaviour in the Classroom

More commonly used as a charity wristband, silicone wristbands can be used for many different purposes, and one of these could be to provide an incentive for good behaviour and working hard at school. Rewards are used by many teachers to motivate children and encourage them to apply themselves. However, choosing what to reward them with though can be tough, as handing out sweets may interfere with allergies and diets, and a sticky star doesn’t inspire as much excitement as it used to.

Primary student in class

Award wristbands, however, could be the perfect item to reward children with as they can wear it on their person throughout the week to show to other people how well they’ve done. Depending on what system you want to implement, wristbands could be given to individual students to keep or they could be worn temporarily and passed on to someone else the following week. Either way, the incentive to be chosen to wear the wristband is what’s important, especially to younger children.

With their durable material they aren’t likely to snap and break like paper wristbands and are easy to clean between each wearer so will remain hygienic.

Award Wristbands as an Individual Reward

There are a range of different instances when pupils could be chosen to wear a wristband, from behaving well in class or producing a high standard of work. However, you could be more specific and identify when certain children have improved throughout the term. Anything to promote a positive atmosphere in the classroom could be a good idea for a wristband.

With the option to colour code our silicone wristbands on our Band Builder, you can customise them however you please and have them engraved with a reward title of your choosing.

I will try harder in class

Group Rewards

If your classroom is set out in groups then perhaps having multiple award wristbands made would be a good idea. For example, groups could be awarded for being the best behaved table or for providing the best example of teamwork for group projects.

You may decide that you don’t want to limit wristbands to act solely as rewards. They can also be used to represent different classes, certain learning groups or for things like school trips so that pupils are easily identifiable just in case they get separated from the group.

Using them in schools may prove to be beneficial to children’s learning as they strive towards acknowledgement, not just from you but from the whole class! To enquire about our services don’t hesitate to contact Silicone Wristbands Direct at 01524 848382 or visit our Facebook and Twitter pages for regular updates.

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