Coloured wristbands for Covid awareness

We are sure that after months of confinement you have returned to the streets and reunited with your friends and family as the lock-down restrictions have been eased. However, there remain many doubts about how best to greet one another – whether to keep the recommended distance or be more cautious and create as wide a gap as possible. The “new normal” brings about changes in the way we interact with other people in our day-to-day life. Factors such as keeping one’s distance, meeting in an open space or wearing masks for enclosed spaces are things that until now we did not take into account; and from now on we will have to think about every time we meet someone.

It is difficult to know how anxious or cautious another person is feeling towards the virus, without prior contact. Some people are very worried about going outside again and the prospect causes them great anxiety. Others, on the other hand, have a more relaxed stance in this regard, or have already recovered from the disease, and want to live life as close to normal as possible, whilst always respecting the rules but no more.

For this reason, we believe that there should be something that helps us identify the different attitudes toward the virus, and therefore avoid anxiety or causing upset and offence on a daily basis. Being able to organise ourselves in some way will help us to be more respectful of other people, and this can be a good basis to help improve and adapt our society to the pressures of the world post Covid-19.

At Web Products Direct we want to provide a new way of communicating Covid-awareness with coloured Silicone Wristbands.

Coloured silicone wristbands for covid awareness: a good way to express our feelings

The idea is simple, human language has always relied on symbols, sounds and colours to communicate. Why not also apply it to our feelings? Using a simple traffic light system, you can wear a Silicone Wristband that indicates to other people your feelings towards to risk of infection and how you want people to treat you when they meet you on the street. In this way, we can know at a glance if they are more or less sensitive:

  • Red: I am very worried about the situation and I think you should keep a safe distance. Please be cautious when approaching me and take no risks.
  • Amber: I understand the problem but I am not excessively worried. I will do my best to stay safe but realise life must go on and that involves some risks.
  • Green: I recognise that there is a risk of contagion but I want to live life as close to normal as possible, always respecting the rules. What will be will be!

We believe that choosing traffic light colours is a great way to visually communicate how we feel in this situation. The colour coding of a traffic light is a universal language and easily understood by all.

If you are interested in designing your own coloured silicone wristbands, you can do it with our online designer tool. You can customise your design by adding a message or a logo and buy them instantly online! Need help? Contact us by phone on 01524 848382 or via our contact form. Our expert design team are here to help.

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