Get your Medals by your Event Deadline

Much is happening in the world as a result of the Coronavirus which is severely impacting the manufacture of goods in China. The vast majority of metal and silicone medals which we use in the UK are manufactured in China. You could, therefore, be struggling to get guaranteed delivery of your bespoke medals by the deadline date you need them for your event.

But fear not, at Web Products Direct, we can help!

Web Products Direct has UK production capabilities

As a leading UK based supplier of bespoke custom silicone and metal medals and pin badges, we have production facilities in both the UK and overseas. We are therefore not reliant on our factory in China, which is great news if you have an event you are organising in the near future.

We understand, though, that you will be anxious to make sure you are able to reward success and participation at your event with a high-quality medal that those taking part have come to expect and we, therefore, wanted to reassure you with our blog.

What should I do next if I have an urgent deadline?

Call our dedicated and expert bespoke medals team today on 01524 954 754 or email and we will do all we can to make sure you have medals to hand out at your event. We will be honest and completely transparent which we know is so important when there is so much uncertainty.

Have you considered Wooden Medals?

Although we are still able to offer metal medals, you may wish to consider wooden medals as an alternative? Again, we produce bespoke Wooden Medals in the UK and are therefore able to supply without being impacted by the events in China.

But why use Wooden Medals?

Not only do the medals look and feel fantastic – certainly a very worthy reward for taking part and paying a registration fee – but they are also eco-friendly and sustainably sourced.

Increasingly, our clients are asking for eco-friendly products. So, although event participants may expect a metal medal (as that is what they usually receive) they will be proud to wear a wooden medal that is distinctive, a bit different and that they know is supporting the wellbeing of the planet!

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