Marketing your company correctly around Christmas is vital to your business’ success in the festive period.
We have put together a guide on how not to market your business this Christmas.
Only Use One Social Media Platform
This is a huge point and is one that cannot be ignored, especially around Christmas. The majority of your customers and potential customers will be using all forms of social media in the festive period, so it is important to be active on every platform.
By simply putting all your content onto one social media platform, you are not fully engaging with your whole audience.
It should also be noted that content that is not fit for use on one social media platform, may be perfect for another. Always be sure to choose the correct platform for the content you are posting.

Be A Scrooge
A sure way to put customers off your business is by not embracing some festive cheer. When marketing at Christmas, always be ready to use the holiday to your businesses advantage.
Be sure to engage with your customers in a fun way around Christmas, as most people are generally in good spirits at this time of year.
Something to be mindful of is using social media around the Christmas period too. Never post anything negative about Christmas, especially on your company’s pages, as you’ll risk looking like a real Scrooge.
Forget to Hold a Christmas Themed Competition
If you forget to do hold a Christmas themed competition, you’re missing out on a huge marketing opportunity!
Christmas is the time for giving gifts, and this should be no different for businesses either.
If you are able to form a Christmas competition that will involve clients and potential clients, it would hugely benefit to your company.
Simply offering £25 off a service you provide as a prize for winning the competition could boost your company’s profile massively.
Allow people to enter the competition by simply sharing your post and liking your page, while you sit back and watch your follower base grow with potential clients.
It’s also a great way to increase your own brand awareness both locally and nationally, as your post will be shared on all forms of social network platforms.

Don’t Provide Regular Updates
The time around Christmas is when most people find themselves on social media, so not posting regularly on all platforms is a missed opportunity for your company.
If you start to get into a routine for posting regular, informative posts on social media your follower base will grow and in turn more potential clients will be reached with your posts.
Stop Posting When Christmas is Over
So you’ve updated all your social media platforms three times a day for the whole month of December? Great… Why not carry this momentum on into the new year?
Make it your New Year’s Resolution to continue posting consistently on all platforms to continually grow your client-base online.
Having an active presence online is key to successfully marketing your company, as you have access to an abundance of social media platforms that are completely free to use.
Forget to Thank Your Loyal Clients
There is no better time of year to thank your clients for sticking with you throughout the year than at Christmas! Forgetting to do this can come across as if you are taking your client-base for granted.
Don’t forget that offline marketing is just as important as what you do online, and you can use silicone wristbands as part of your marketing campaign all year round – especially at Christmas! They provide you with the perfect way to spread your company’s key message to your clients!

For information on our services, please don’t hesitate to contact us today.
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