Silicone Wristbands

How to Market Like it’s 2015

We’re one month into 2015, but already there have been some clearly emerging trends. In business, it’s always better to stay ahead of the game, so we’ve pulled together four trends that we think will be incredibly effective so that you can take advantage of them now. Of course, as the year progresses, more trends will emerge, so keep your eyes and ears open!

Be Transparent

In 2014, consumers were getting powerful and having more of an influence on a firm’s activity, and in 2015 that’ll continue. One of the things that consumers don’t like in a business is a lack of transparency, and consumers will be using their influence and power to make sure that firms that don’t believe in transparency will be called out. To get on successfully in 2015, you’re going to have to be more transparent than ever with your customers, letting them know what you’re doing for them and being completely honest with what you say. In 2015, the businesses who take advantage of this trend will be the ones with the strongest consumer loyalties.

Be Marketing in a Digital World

Digital marketing has been left in 2013/2014, and has been replaced with “marketing in a digital world”. With the world so digital, having separate marketing actions for digital channels makes no sense anymore, and firms with an integrated marketing strategy that spans both digital and non-digital channels will find it easier to communicate with consumers. With new technology popping up very frequently, marketers will have to have a strong understanding of technology in order to take advantage of new developments in the digital world.

Be Agile

In the fast-paced social-media-dominated world, with consumers that are more powerful and influential than ever, firms will have to quickly adapt to ever-changing demands. Businesses will be expected to bend over backwards for consumers, and the ones that can do so quickly will be the ones that will get ahead. Having large amounts of consumer data and a structure that means decisions can be made quickly will allow businesses to be agile enough for 2015.

Be Personalising

The world is becoming more connected, but this doesn’t mean that globalisation will be effective in 2015. Rather, consumers will be resisting homogenisation and demanding for more personalised products and services. Personalisation may be the most important marketing trend to follow in 2015, and the businesses that decentralise their structures to allow for a more local influence will be the ones that take advantage of this trend the most.     Of course, wristbands will still play an effective role in 2015 marketing, and here at Silicone Wristbands Direct we can provide you with whatever you need to take your marketing plan to the next level. If you’re wanting a promotional or charity wristband then we can certainly help! Use our band builder to create the customised band you need, and if you’d like more information then feel free to contact us on 01524 848 382 today.

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