Let’s beat the virus together!

We are all naturally anxious about the spread of Covit-19 and how this will impact us individually and collectively in the future. So it is easy to say ‘stay calm and carry on’ but that may seem easier said than done.

We are also concerned at Web Products Direct about our amazing people, suppliers, customers, and the local community, all of whom make a huge contribution to our business.  This includes the wonderful people and organisations we work with, in other countries, who are facing their own challenges.

So, in this blog, we wanted to share our heartfelt best wishes for all those impacted and to reassure them all that we will be doing all we can to help. The temptation, in a crisis, is to run for cover and look after number one.  However, experience tells us that this isn’t the way to get through the crisis.  Instead, we should do the exact opposite!

We suspect the cause of the crisis was caused, to one degree or another, by human hands.  In pursuit of progress as the human race, we are taking huge risks.  So, although we are making amazing advances in science and technology – it is only a matter of time before someone travels to Mars, goes into space for a day out and builds a robot that can do all our household chores for us – we risk irreparably damaging the planet, abandoning those less fortunate than ourselves to poverty, war and persecution and becoming increasingly isolated from each other.

Looking out for others

However, at Web Products Direct, our glass is always half full so we also believe that the solution to the Covid-19 virus rests in our own hands.  However, that solution requires that we don’t run for cover but instead show empathy, compassion and tolerance for others.  To think about those whose needs are greater than our own no matter who they are or where they come from.  History tells us that by working together within our communities we will prevail against the virus and by extension, hopefully, begin the process of overcoming all the other challenges we face around the world. We are in this together!

Our top tips for keeping healthy in body and mind

So what are some of the practical things we can do to keep ourselves and others healthy in mind and body (other than following the already well-publicised guidance from the Government and health professionals)?

Top of our list would be to share the toilet roll and hand sanitizer!  However, other suggestions may include:

  • Keeping ourselves fit. There are lots of exercises we can do at home if we are avoiding going out.  For those with a garden, what better time is there to tidy up the garden ready for Spring and if possible get planting!  This may seem simplistic but it will keep your spirits up and give you a sense of purpose. Honestly, sat watching the news 24 hours a day is not going to do much for your wellbeing! Perhaps combine this with training for a marathon or charity challenge?  You may then win a custom medal as well!
  • Get social online. For those that like online gaming then play co-op games with friends where you can chat in a party with your earphones and microphone. Set aside an evening – Friday Night Madness – when everyone comes together and treat it like a night out.
  • Keep in touch with friends and family via video conferencing. There are lots of ways now to speak to people and see them at the same time over the internet that doesn’t involve the cost of a phone call.  Again, you can even do this collectively with friends and group video conferencing with more than two people is very easy to set up.  Again, a virtual party is better than no social time at all with friends!
  • Helping others is a great way to keep your spirits up. As the Mental Health Foundation points out “Doing good does you good”. If you are fit and healthy, consider:-   Going around your community helping to deliver food and essential supplies to vulnerable neighbours and family. If you are feeling especially energetic, take the opportunity to deliver supplies on your bike or run to your destination!
    –   Keep the garden tidy for your neighbours who are vulnerable and have been recommended to stay indoors.
    –   Run errands for others such as a trip to the post office, putting their bins out for collection and even taking their pets out for a walk!
  • Play family games. Again, another top tip to avoid watching the news all the time is to play family games with your nearest and dearest.  We should all be doing this more often anyway, so this is a great opportunity to get back into the habit. If you are stuck in all the time with your family and kids, relationships can soon get frayed so make sure you create time for fun. Perhaps create your own fun game of ring toss with our Silicone Wristbands!
  • Catch up on household chores. The room that needed painting, hanging up those pictures, and perhaps a good old-fashioned spring clean.
  • Why not try out meditation or an online Yoga class? Healthy body healthy mind. Living a more mindful life will allow you to face and overcome the current crisis much more effectively. We are what we think and we rarely if ever make our best decisions or think clearly when we are anxious, afraid and in a complete state of panic. There are lots of great free resources online to help you get started.

So, let’s start to make a difference today 

These are, of course, a few simple examples, but hopefully, it has at least got you thinking…and caring. We would love for you to contribute to our blog and add some great suggestions of your own.

I guess our logic is that as things return to normal (whatever normal will look like) we may as well be in the best shape we can be, in a positive frame of mind and making sure that we are on top of all the things that are important that we have been putting off.  Honestly, who doesn’t love a bit of decluttering!

In the meantime, try and avoid wallowing in self-pity (although it may seem tempting) and instead keep busy, active and importantly looking out for others. Let’s not make self-isolation a complete misery for many but instead help others and in doing so help ourselves.

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