Children having fun at a party

Organise children’s birthdays with personalised silicone wristbands

A child’s birthday has to be an unforgettable occasion; there is nothing more wonderful than to give your child a special birthday celebration with their friends, family and parents – the more the merrier! It’s all about that sense of fun. However, to make it a success, you must first know how to organise it in a fun way. At Web Products Direct we therefore wanted to share some ideas on how to create birthday fun, and how you can use our personalised silicone wristbands to bring a child’s birthday to life! Read on…

Choose the date and place

In general, the date of the celebration is usually the same day as the birthday date, but there are times when, due to circumstances, it is not possible. Either because it’s midweek or clashes with another important date. In this situation you will have to propose an alternative date more or less close to the birthday. It is important to keep these details in mind so that as many friends as possible can attend.

Regarding the choice of place, there are various options. If you have a suitable house it may be the cheapest option to hold a party there. However, you will have to ‘set some rules’ so that the children do not roam your entire house! When they are little, their curiosity knows no bounds and exploring your home can become a fun activity. Precisely so that things like this do not happen, then create some suitable activities. Your child and his friends will not have time to get bored and go walkabouts!

Choose the decoration and the food

Have you ever wondered if you want your child’s party to be themed? The truth is that children love this type of celebration for their birthday. If your son is a fan of Spiderman, why not give him the illusion that he can be Spiderman for a day on his birthday? Plates, glasses, garlands … even a personalised cake of his favourite superhero! You can make the whole party revolve around one theme: be it superheroes, princesses, penguins, dinosaurs or Harry Potter!

It is also important that you ask the mothers of his friends if any of their children has an intolerance to any food.

Time to think about the activities

Let’s recap. You have already decided the date, time, and place that best suits you. You have decided on an awesome theme that will make your child very happy. Now comes the fun part: organising the children’s party activities!

Musical Chairs

The Chairs is a game that will never go out of style. Of course, you must have chairs for everyone! It consists of placing the chairs in a circle facing outwards, the children must surround the chairs and sit down when the music stops. After each round we remove one chair. Whoever cannot sit is eliminated! It is important to encourage cheers and not make the game too competitive. Whoever is eliminated does not lose, they simply have to continue being part of the game cheering on their teammates.

After the game, you can give a personalised silicone wristband to each player as a celebration of taking part. They sure don’t expect it!

The Game of Statues

Surely this game will also sound familiar to you… While the music is playing the children have to be in motion in a limited space, and when the music stops they must remain as statues; whoever moves becomes part of those who watch that the rest do not move. What matters about this game is dancing and having fun… until the music stops!

Organise a gymkhana

Do you remember how much fun you had doing gymkhanas when you were little? Yes, it is more complex to organise than the chairs game, but it’s worth it! In addition, with our personalised silicone wristbands you will make it easier to organise. You can use them to organise different groups of children, you can even involve parents and everyone can have a great time.

What more uses can you give silicone wristbands to organise children’s birthdays?

The silicone wristbands to organise the gymkhana will be very useful; but we give you two more ideas that you could consider:

Personalised silicone wristbands as a thank you gift for attending the party

Once the big day is over, you can give both children and parents personalised silicone wristbands to remember this wonderful day. The wristbands can also be the same theme as the party!


silicone wristband spiderman

This is the last step before the party that cannot be missed. Despite modern technology, young kids still like to pass out birthday invitations in class. You could put the invitation in an envelope and include a personalised silicone wristband. It will be a very nice touch – before the party starts you will have already made it memorable!

Your children deserve the best birthday party, therefore, we encourage you to follow our advice. If you need help with the design of your personalised silicone wristband for children’s parties do not hesitate to contact us. Let the party begin!

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