Personalised Car Air Fresheners for your Corporate Welcome Pack

In this blog, we explore why personalised Car Air Fresheners are an ideal addition to your Welcome Pack. Winning hearts and minds of your new and potential customers and demonstrating your commitment to quality, attention to detail and first class customer service.

Why use Welcome Packs

It is simple to provide all the information your new customer may ever need about your organisation and the products and services offered via your website. However, not everyone wants to navigate across your website from page to page. There is also something a bit special about having visually appealing and useful information in a tangible form. The permanence of the contents of your welcome pack makes them more memorable and permanent and psychologically hard to throw away.

What do I include in a Welcome Pack?

Usually, you will want to put key information about your organisation – its people, products and services, what makes it special and then usually some memorable and interesting promotional giveaways.

Perhaps you have a corporate brochure, a nicely worded welcome letter or (handwritten for a special touch), product samples and specifications, business card of the key contact in your organisation or even some red heart confetti spreading the love!

As for promotional giveaways, you are using personalised items that carry your branding, logo and key message. Creating a constant reminder of your organisation and making sure your contact details are always at hand. It is very common to see pens, mouse mats, coasters, and even stickers.

Why use a personalised Car Air Freshener in your Welcome Pack?

Car Air Fresheners, generally, are an amazingly popular promotional giveaway. Customers simply love them. They look great, smell great and meet a need – keeping your vehicle fresh and welcoming.

Not only that, they offer fantastic value for money and can cost as little as 15p each for higher value bulk orders. Certainly comparable with other popular promotional products such as pens.

Finally, they are memorable and highly visible. They don’t get mislaid or covered up and hanging inside a vehicle they are easy to spot and in a location where people can spend a good deal of time. Arguably too much time for some! So, building brand awareness and loyalty mile after mile!

Need further help?

If you would like to find out more about our personalised Car Air Fresheners, or all the other promotional products we can supply, contact us or call our expert team on 01524 848382.

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