Silicone: The New Craze of Festival Wristbands

Silicone: The New Craze of Festival Wristbands

With summer now in full-swing and the festival season having kicked-off in the UK in early May, you will start to see young peoples’ wrists covered with the wristbands they have kept as a souvenir. These come in many forms, from the traditional woven wristband to the latest RFID silicone wristbands.

This outcome will provide a huge deal of free publicity for the festival, so investing in a good wristband is of high importance for any festival organiser.

Music Festival

Why Are Silicone Wristbands Replacing Woven Ones?

In keeping up with current trends, many festival organisers are opting for silicone wristbands. One of the reasons for this is that they can be as creative with these new wristbands as they could with more traditional ones. So they don’t have to sacrifice personalisation of the wristbands for the added benefits silicone ones bring.

Woven wristbands tend to wear out over time; the ends become frayed, at which point they no longer present a good image of the festival. What’s more, wristbands are not only keepsakes, they are also a fashion item of which the wearer is proud.

Silicone wristbands are much more durable; they won’t fray, and the branding will last for longer, providing the festival with an invaluable marketing opportunity.

Silicone is very versatile and can be printed on or embossed; the name of the event will stay on the wristband forever. This versatility also allows the use of translucent silicone, should you want to have a glow in the dark effect.

Silicone Wristbands: A Marketing Opportunity

For festival organisers, the wristband is not only a way of identifying those attending their event, it is also a wonderful marketing opportunity, so it is important that the wristband stands out. Adding the brand name in several places on the wristband will allow for an increase in brand-awareness, whilst using a bold colour can ensure that the branding stands out.

Furthermore, it is also an opportunity to promote the sponsor by adding their logo to the wristband, thus enhancing its marketing value. The festival organiser could play on the idea of wristband as keepsake and use different types of silicone to create various unique effects, ensuring that it’s more than a mere identification piece.

However, this new generation of wristbands is a lot more than just a fashion item, a conversation piece or a marketing opportunity. They can also integrate RFID technology, therefore providing a more secure festival.

some colored rfid silicone wristbands

RFID Wristbands for Improved Security

Whilst woven wristbands allow for a certain level of security to be put in place, they do not prevent violence from occurring.

While there may be no way for avoiding such catastrophes, using RFID wristbands means turnstiles can be put in place so that only those wearing the wristband can enter the festival grounds. The wristband is scanned each time the festival goer enters or leaves the grounds, therefore ensuring that only people who have the official wristband can enter or leave the festival over the period during which the event is being held. This use of technology reduces the chance of mistakes being made by security manually having to check thousands and thousands of woven wristbands on each individual person.

Since only those with an RFID wristband would be allowed on the festival site, this allows for improved crowd control. Switching to silicone wristbands is therefore not only a great business opportunity, it will also help improve the festival experience, which will contribute to people returning to the event in the future.

If you want to find out more about our silicone wristbands, get in touch with us today – we will be happy to help.

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