Silicone bands are incredibly versatile and can be used in a large variety of circumstances and events. After all, they can be created in many different sizes, colours and patterns, making them a truly valuable tool for everyone, anywhere. One of the main uses of these bands is in health and, with the rise of innovative techniques, it doesn’t come as a surprise that they can even use sweat to monitor health.
Emergency Situations
We’ve previously explored how silicone wristbands can act as medical alert bands to help protect people with serious medical conditions, due to how quickly information can be read and analysed. For example, ambulance staff can easily read the wristband of someone with a medical condition, such as an allergy, and quickly act upon it, not only in giving medication to save their life but also to ensure that they receive the right medication.

This is especially important when the individual is incapable of answering emergency personnel’s questions, or when they need a clear path to the person without being hindered by more complex information devices.
Also, due to how visible they are, emergency staff will be able to spot them easily. This can make all the difference, especially because if you’re dealing with someone with an allergy to penicillin, you need to avoid administering it to that person, or you risk a life-threatening reaction.
A lot of people suffering from many different medical conditions can be helped with silicone wristbands, like people with diabetes or Alzheimer’s. Their lives can be made easier through the use of these bands because the information on it can help them remember where they live if there’s an emergency, for example, or can help them through the confusion that can occur to a diabetic with unbalanced blood sugar.
Contact Information
Having not just your medical information on the band but also your emergency contacts and your doctor can be extremely useful. If something happens your family will be easily contacted, and your doctor can also be called to deal with the situation at hand, since he knows you and your condition better than anyone.

At Silicone Wristbands Direct we know just how important it is for medical professionals to know everything about their patient – and how that patient’s life may even depend on it. For this reason, we ensure that our highly customisable bands can be used in a wide range of medical situations, from emergencies to support groups.
For more information about how our bands can be used to help people with medical conditions, we’re here to listen to any questions you may have, so don’t hesitate to contact us today on 01524 848382. You can also find us on Facebook and Twitter.
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