5 Ways Wristbands Can Be Used in Schools

The Most Innovative Wristband Technology of The Future

The Circret Smart Bracelet

It’s called the Circret Smart Bracelet and is a wearable bracelet that can project a touch-controlled screen onto your arm. Is this the innovative wristband technology of the future?

Unlike other technology-wearables, this creation could offer the most comprehensive use of your phone without even having to take it out of your pocket!

So, let’s have a closer look…

The Circret bracelet uses a Pico projector to project your mobile’s screen onto your forearm. It also features eight proximity sensors which the bracelet uses to detect your finger position, using it as a means to control feedback. With this, you can use your phone as you would normally, however you can leave the device itself in your bag or pocket.

Watch the Circret concept video here

As a standalone piece of tech, the Circret features its own processor, vibration feedback, Wi-Fi, storage and Bluetooth connectivity as well as sensors and projector.

Although the bracelet is currently in development, the developers are currently seeking donations on their own in hopes of raising 700,000 Euros to finish the first prototype, so you won’t see this little invention on any crowdfunding sites.

One of the most intriguing features of this design is its performance in a variety of everyday situations, including still being 100% usable when taking a bath.

The bracelet’s main aim is to turn your arm into a tablet, literally, and boasts ability to be able to do everything a phone or tablet can do; including reading emails, surfing the web, watching videos, viewing photographs, making calls and of course, playing games.

It’s currently being built to sync with an iPhone, though it can also function as a standalone device. The fundraising for its creation is still ongoing over on the Cicret website, and if successful, the Circret Smart Bracelet (when released) will cost around £300, will be available in 16GB and 32GB models and in a choice of 10 colours.

Here at Silicone Wristbands Direct, we are passionate about the future of wristbands, and provide a quality range rubber wristbands to suit your marketing, charity or campaign needs. For more information, or to speak to one of our friendly and knowledgeable team, please do not hesitate to contact us on 01524 848 382 today!

The Vive Concept

It’s called Vive, and it’s simple! It’s a wristband, and it’s designed to track your hydration and alcohol levels when you’re out partying, or when you’re out and about in general.

It periodically vibrates, and if you’re still conscious and having fun – you squeeze it! If you don’t squeeze it to say you’re A-okay, it’ll communicate with your other wristband friends and let them know they need to come find you. Simple, eh? There’s more…

The non-working prototype was crafted by design and user experience students from the University of Washington, and was first presented at the annual Microsoft Research Faculty Summit Design Expo 2014.

The Vive concept is comprised of a band, fixed with a transdermal alcohol sensor – when measures BAC levels through skin, dehydration monitor and a gyroscope and accelerometer to sense unusual changes in motion.

The band won ‘Best Product Concept’ at the Expo, focusing on the team’s original design aim of prohibiting potential danger in alcohol-influenced situations, keeping people safe without causing attention or affecting an individual’s enjoyment.

Another interesting design feat of this wristband is that they aim it to be made compatible with social media; linking friends and others in the group. This feature is designed to make contacting one another an easy and stress-free task, as well as providing all members of the group with easy accessible information regarding one another’s alcohol levels, safety and location.

However, alongside the safety element of the Vive wristband, the social media feat is also an interesting way to get younger people to engage with the product. Connect your vive wristband to your smart phone, and you can make connections with people you meet as easily as tapping your wristband!

The design aesthetic has been kept pretty simple, providing a safe and easy-to-wear accessory for all fashion-focused individuals. It’s currently only at prototype level, although it’s feasible to produce – all the technology exists; including the accelerometer to track movements, Bluetooth to communicate between wristbands and sensors for hydration and alcohol levels.

Here at Silicone Wristbands Direct, we are passionate about design, and provide a quality range of wristbands for charity and marketing purposes – designed by you to enhance your brand! For more information, or to speak to one of our knowledgeable and creative team – please do not hesitate to contact us on 01524 848 382 today!

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