Innovative Uses of Silicone Wristbands

The Power of Slogans: Making Messages Stick

Slogans are everywhere – from advertising campaigns to wristbands – creating instant brand identification when you get it right. A good slogan conveys an idea or a promise, cementing a brand’s identity in the mind of the consumer. What instantly springs to mind when you hear the phrase ‘I’m lovin’ it’ or ‘Just do it?’ Those three words immediately convey the golden arches and the Nike swoosh and the memories we associate with them.

Making the Message Stick

But what makes a good slogan? How do you capture that unique blend of words that grabs the attention and creates positive images and memories that influence buying behaviour or encourage engagement? And how do you make that message stick?

Keep it Simple

First, work with your logo to create a seamless, holistic brand identity. The simplest and best slogans pair an adjective with a noun: think Gillette (‘the best a man can get’) or Coca Cola (‘the real thing’). You only have seconds to make an impression, so stick to simple words and a simple sentence. Positive words encourage positive brand identification and humour is useful for encouraging people to share your slogan.

Stand Out

What differentiates you and your product or service from your competitors? Take the time to do your research and don’t think about writing a slogan, think about writing a brand message that conveys quickly and simply what makes you stand out. After all, without its ‘Impossible is Nothing’ slogan and corporate branding, Adidas are just trainer manufacturers.

Be Honest

A strong brand is all about authenticity and honesty and your slogan should reflect that. Don’t claim to be number one in your field if that’s not really true. Think Wikipedia: their simple slogan ‘the free encyclopaedia’ tells you everything you need to know about the service they offer, without making any unsubstantiated boasts.

If you’ve done the hard work and come up with a killer slogan, there’s no better place to test it out than on a wristband. If you want to see how your slogan works in action, contact us and let Silicone Wristbands Direct get your message out there.

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