Commemorate Christmas with a Wristband

Commemorate Christmas with a Wristband

When it comes to putting your charity or brand out there, we’re all trying to think of new and exciting ways to capture our target audience’s attention. Some try death defying feats with jetpacks, others shout about themselves in the middle of the street or over the radio. Sometimes, however, a more subtle approach leaves a lasting impression.

With Christmas only a couple of weeks away we thought we’d take a sneaky look at great ways you can commemorate the Christmas spirit.

Christmas cheers

Gift Giving is Very Christmas

Giving gifts to family and friends at Christmas is an age-old tradition which, these days, has taken centre stage. As we draw closer to the big day, how many Santa Clauses have you seen in the shopping centres handing out presents? If you want to leave a lasting impression on people, perhaps it’s time to think of a different way of handing out your rubber wristbands, such as in a creative, crafty Christmas cracker?

Crackers are always a source of fun at a Christmas meal. You never know what’s going to pop out of them and getting a quality Christmas wristband for your charity, business or event is a novelty they’re not likely to forget!

Christmas Crackers

Novelty Season’s Greetings

It’s typical to receive wristbands with your slogan imprinted on the fabric or rubber surface. It’s also common for most people, unless it’s to show support for a charity, to grow quickly tired of a typically branded piece of wearable advertising.

Spread your wings and try a little novelty season’s greeting instead. Lines from a much loved song perhaps, a quote or a small message of good wishes are great ways to capture their attention in a way they will never have seen on a wristband before!

A stack of color wrist bands on white background

An Artist’s Canvas

You may have seen our previous blog How Creative Artists can Make Use of Silicone Wristbands to help the creative person express themselves. Why not take it one step further and include a festive, creative image on your wristband? It’s typical of wristbands to show block colours with block writing, why not commemorate Christmas with a beautiful, simple image on your wristband?

The novelty of receiving a visually stimulating wearable wristband will highly appeal to a lot of people, especially when they’re all in the festive mood!

This Christmas, commemorate the festive holiday in a novel, fun and creative way. Contact us today on 01524 848382 and we’ll help you find the perfect wristband for your charity, event or business.

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