How Can Small Businesses Master Marketing?

How Can Small Businesses Master Marketing?

People often dream of quitting their job and starting up something of their own, but this can take a huge leap of faith as the challenge can seem huge with many potential hurdles in the way. Also, at the heart of any startup or successful business is marketing, and with little or no knowledge, marketing can be overwhelming. The good news is that no matter how small your business may be or if you are just taking your first steps, there are a few marketing starter points to get the ball rolling. So, what are they?

marketing colour wheel

What’s Your USP?

One of the first main steps in getting a small business off the ground is to understand the capabilities and potentially the blank space that your business is covering in the related industry. You are bound to face competition, but to stand out from the crowd you should define what your Unique Selling Point (USP) or Unique Value Proposition (UVP) is. Establishing your USP is crucial in understanding how you are unique in a crowd of businesses. You should sign up for industry newsletters and read relevant industry news, blogs etc.  to help you identify trends and stay up to date with what your competitors are doing. It can also provide inspiration for what you can do differently. Some of the questions you should be asking yourself are;

  • What do your customers want?
  • Who is your target audience?
  • What problems are your target customers likely to encounter?
  • What is the best way to reach your target audience?
  • Why do they want your service or product?

brand identity

How do You Get the Conversation Going?

Getting the word out there and building relationships with your customer base is a crucial step after defining your audience and your USP. Social media channels are a wonderful way to get a conversation started.

Consider what channels your customers or client base are likely to use. They all serve very different purposes, so take your time in considering which one you should use and also what kind of content you are likely to be posting. Consistency is key for social media and creating a schedule will ensure you are sharing and posting regularly so your audience knows when to expect interaction. Consider these points;

  • Talk about what’s happening in your business, such as new products, shipping etc.
  • Post about what goes on behind the scenes
  • Don’t forget to thank your customers
  • Make sure you engage your customers by asking questions

a girl with a tablet

How do You Build an Online Presence?

It’s not just social media that can create a better understanding of your business for your customer base. There are many platforms to consider and you should choose the ones which will be the most efficient and cost effective for your business. A website is the first step, but be sure your brand is correct, and features heavily in your website designs.

A blog can also be a great asset as this can provide your customers with free information, tips and advice, as well as having search engine values. Who doesn’t want a freebie?
Beyond this, you can use review sites, email marketing, paid advertising and other successful marketing methods to boost your online presence. If you aren’t too sure, don’t worry, there are plenty of professionals out there that can help you build a successful marketing campaign.

business people in a round table

Which is Best, Traditional or Digital Marketing?

While an online presence is important, there are many other ways of marketing your business which aren’t in the online world. Based on your target audience, traditional marketing methods can prove to be more successful. You should consider raising brand awareness with traditional marketing such as flyers, adverts, and promotional products. Everyone loves a branded pen or silicone wristband.

The two forms of marketing can work well hand in hand and one can even strengthen the other. A multi-channel approach is usually much more effective. Other forms of marketing could include:

  • Print or Radio Advertisements
  • Promotion Products
  • Branded Merchandise

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If you would like any more information on our products and how we can help boost your marketing, we would love to have a chat. Feel free to get in touch on +44 01524 848382 and we can help you pick the perfect band for an upcoming marketing event or even the brand launch!

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