Embossed wristband

Season’s Greetings from the Silicone Wristbands Direct Team

Are you as shocked as we are that it’s nearly the end of 2015 already? We simply refuse to believe that a whole 12 months have passed us by so quickly- and don’t even ask us how our Christmas shopping is going!

As we settle down and begin to accept that 2015 is actually coming to a close, we’d like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of our customers who have supported us throughout the past year. Without you, we wouldn’t have been able to become one of the leading providers of charity wristbands in the UK, which is something that we are hoping to build on even more in 2016!

Wristbands in an arm

Our team have never been so busy helping our customers create the perfect wristband solution, and we are humbled to have been involved with so many charities who have chosen to work with us to create a fantastic, fashionable fundraising wristband that helps get them noticed while generating those all important funds for their cause!

Our blog will continue to be our news hub; giving you insight into all the latest wristband technologies, as well as giving you hints and tips on how you can improve your marketing or fundraising campaigns. We have some interesting and exciting things planned for our blog in 2016, so be sure to keep checking back to see what we are sharing! We’d hate for you to miss out on the help and advice that our experts have to share!

Colours of wristband

Whether you celebrate the festive season or not, the staff here at Silicone Wristbands Direct would like to extend our well wishes and greetings for the remaining few days of 2015, and wish you all the best for 2016, whatever it may bring for you!

Are you looking for durable, customisable wristband solutions for your business or charity? Look no further than Silicone Wristbands Direct! Get in contact with our team today by calling 01524 848382 and we will be delighted to help you with your enquiries.

Also, make sure that you’re following us over on our Facebook and Twitter pages so that you can get our latest news and updates straight to your news feeds!

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Try Our Silicone Wristbands Designer Tool

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