Finding Your Marketing Message

What Should You Print on Your Silicone Wristband?

Having chosen the colour and quantity of your wristbands it seems that you are almost set. But, one important question remains: what do you get printed on the wristband? It is an important decision, as it will affect the way people view not only the wristband but your brand. In some cases, this may be your first impression. So, you want to make sure it makes a powerful impact.

How should you represent your brand on a wristband? Or should you forego traditional branding entirely?


Many companies stick to simply placing their logo on their wristband. It’s classic, obvious and a gentle reminder for anyone that wears your wristband. It may be an accidental glance or a result of them checking the time, but your logo on their wrist will make them think of you on a regular basis.


Does your company have a catchy slogan? Is it an amusing twister that gets tongues wagging? Or is it straight to the point and the perfect way to represent your company? Either way, a slogan can be one of the more intriguing ways to brand your silicone wristbands.

cool slogan

There are two ways that a slogan can go on a wristband. Short, sweet and only a few simple words alongside a logo. Or an all-encompassing sentence that wraps around the length of the band (much like The One Ring from The Lord of the Rings). It is purely a design choice – as well as dependent on the length of your slogan – but both create an aesthetically pleasing band.

Phone Number

Of course,  you could go for a much more direct approach. Why waste precious space? Simply place your contact details on the band, meaning there is no middle step of your potential customer having to search for it themselves. This also works with email addresses, website links, and even a Facebook URL. Your preferred method of contact can be the perfect calling card for your wristband.

phone keypad

Plus, honest marketing is a strong strategy at the moment. And what is more honest than handing out a wristband with that is essentially a fashionable business card?

Interested in a silicone band which can represent your company in the long term? Don’t hesitate to get in touch with us for help choosing the right wristband for your needs, or give us a call on 01524 848382.

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