Is a Coloured Wristband Important?

Is a Coloured Wristband Important?

Now, we’re not saying that a colourless wristband is the way forward – although perhaps a transparent one would look grand in the right situation. But just how important are colours when it comes to designing your wristband?

There are plenty of reasons why colours are going to factor high on your list when ordering silicone wristbands – reasons like…

Catching Attention

colored wristbands

The primary purpose of wristbands is to draw attention and catch the eye. Think of those famous charity wristbands, like LiveStrong’s vibrant yellow, or the blue and orange design to raise awareness of the RNLI. Nike’s foray into anti-racism campaigning, via the Stand Up, Speak Up wristband campaign, went in a different – though fairly obvious – direction: black bands and white bands. But that monochromatic choice only made them stand out more, in a sea of rainbow-coloured wristbands.

Company Branding

silicone wristbands

One great reason for considering the colour of your wristband is company branding. You don’t want to wear the colours of your business rivals, right? And you don’t want to get lost in the crowd, particularly if you’re using the bands to promote your company. So for that reason, wristbands branded (wrist-brands?) with your company colours make them so uniquely yours. Those charity wristbands above, a lot of those use branding in a clever way (think of the pink for Breast Cancer Awareness) that’s induces certain associations and maintaining a strong brand.

Understanding Psychology

The Creative Brain

We’ve discussed before how certain colours effect our psychology – so be sure to take this into account. For instance, the colour blue is strongly associated with the strong, traditional and serious; compassion is denoted by pinks and greens; purple is a creative colour designed to highlight imagination. Consider the purpose of your wristband – is it a fashion statement, an identity piece, a brand awareness campaign, that sort of thing? Now match those to the right colours (e.g. not choosing black for a medical wristband, is a good shout).

You’ll need to consider all of these when it comes to deciding which colour your wristbands will be – even deciding whether to opt for a bold, block colour or go for maximum attention-grabbing with a multi-coloured band. Colours can completely alter how your wristbands are perceived, and since a band is predominantly a visual accessory, that puts colour on the same level of importance as the wearer’s comfort.

Ready to kick-start your wristband campaign? Get in contact online or call us on 01524 848 382, and together we’ll find the perfect silicone wristband for you.

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