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Wristbands That Captured Our Imaginations

For something so small, wristbands can sure make a massive impact. In the past we’ve looked at some of the world’s most famous wristband-based and wristband-aided campaigns (which you can check out here), but there’s more to it than a quality product and a simple, snappy marketing theme.

Hard to believe that something clasped around your wrist can so effectively capture the imagination. Here are some fantastic examples of wristbands that have done precisely that…

The Cicret Bracelet

The Cicret Bracelet isn’t the sort of wrist accessory that your granny would wear – unless she’s pretty hip and switched on. Rather, this wristband is the next step in wearable technology.

With the literal flick of the wrist, this band will bring up a mirror of your phone right on your skin (hence that marketing slogan, ‘Like a tablet, but on your skin’). So no matter where you are – even in the bath! – you can answer calls and check your mail.

Expect a big buzz once the Cicret is released later this year. The whole process is so devastatingly effortless that it needs to be seen to be believed (well, the mocked-up concept video does, anyway)…

Loom Bands

Hey, remember 2014? That was the year that Britain was flooded, Mo Butcher off Eastenders passed away, and phone hackings hit the headlines. Probably no surprise, then, that after those miserable proceedings, we all needed a bit of colour in our lives.

Cue loom bands – those rainbow-coloured rubber bands took the nation by storm, and before you could say ‘Why would you want to do that?’, kids and adults up and down the country were sporting homemade bracelets of every colour known to man (and a few that were previously undiscovered).

As a fashion trend, they were simply tragic (and you’re most likely still finding them when you clean down the back of the sofa or under the kids’ bed). But as a way of introducing children to crafts, particularly in the digital age, they were second-to-none. Even if you couldn’t quite tell that it was supposed to be a daisy on that wristband, the fact that your child made it was enough to make it worthwhile.

Negative Ion Bands

What the dickens is negative ion? And why would you want to wear it in a wristband? Well, these have been about for a few years now, with manufacturers claiming that the bands release negative ions – which super science brains explain are atoms that have lost an electron. These ions, being negatively charged, magnetically attract other negatively charged objects like dust. So the air around you should be clear and clean. Sort of.

They’ve been lauded by sportsfolk and the like because, apparently, the negative ions ramp up all that juicy serotonin in your bloodstream and also, according to one manufacturer, ‘adjust to the body’s muscle function to create a better balance in the body.’ Like the 6 Million Dollar Man, everyone wearing these bands reckon that they’ll be remade better, stronger, faster.

Thing is, it’s been reported that these bands actually have a seriously negative impact: According to Mic, wearers are getting ‘three times more radiation every day than the average American.’ So how can we account for all those good feelings owners are getting? Chances are, it’s most likely the placebo effect.

And if you want to make your own impact with silicone wristbands, get in contact with us online or call 01524 848 382 and we’ll be happy to help.

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